What exactly happens when a lieutenant stands up?

By Ser Folly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In e.g. 'Let the truth be buried' (LoR), encounter one, Splig is knocked down like a hero (=not removed and reinforced). He can stand up in a single action and I found on BGG that this is only one action and he is not forced to spent the rest of the round sitting ducks ('official' FFG ruling).

Now what happens to the damage tokens?

a) are all tokens removed like with a newly reinforced lieutenant (and as the post mentioned above declares happens to other tokens on the lieutenant)


b) does he get to roll tow red dice as any vagabond hero on a stand up action

I'd greatly appreciate your ideas because I know this will lead to a major discussion at the game table.

Edited by Ser Folly

I don't know if I imagined that but I think he rolls 2 red power dice like a Hero would do as he his knocked out "like a Hero", I guess he can stand up like one. But he can only stand up, i.e., no monsters can revive him.

They roll 2 red power dice, they do not lose their entire turn however.

Unlike a hero, a stand up is just a single action, it does not end his activation.

So he may take 1 action after standing up.

Edit: woo 250 posts :P

Edit 2: I would hazard a guess that they indeed do lose conditions and tokens like a hero would. They normally would when they knocked out and there are no rules to state that they would not lose them otherwise when they are knocked out.

Edited by BentoSan

They roll 2 red power dice, they do not lose their entire turn however.

Unlike a hero, a stand up is just a single action, it does not end his activation.

So he may take 1 action after standing up.

Edit: woo 250 posts :P

Edit 2: I would hazard a guess that they indeed do lose conditions and tokens like a hero would. They normally would when they knocked out and there are no rules to state that they would not lose them otherwise when they are knocked out.

You sure about the single action thing?

I recall reading a mission special rules that the Lieutenant could stand up but his turn was ended, just like a Hero...

From this BGG thread: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/863073/ffg-sez-thread-link-to-wiki-in-1st-post-unoffici/page/8


"Q: Certain quests allow the lieutenants to stand up, similar to heroes. Are class tokens (hex, elixir, trap, etc.) discard when the lieutenant is defeated? If not, this could potentially be a huge advantage to the heroes given that usually these quests that allow lieutenants to stand-up involve the lieutenant being part of the win condition.

A: When lieutenants or allies are knocked out, it only takes one action for them to stand back up. The rules refer to it being the same as heroes in that they are "knocked-out" meaning they are not discarded from the map.

Regarding the tokens, however, they would be discarded when the lieutenant is defeated or knocked-out.

I also wanted to mention that I do understand that this is a bit of a sketchy case, and my decision was most influenced by the fact that it could create a very difficult situation for a quest-vital figure to escape from.


Cool great to know!

I would not have a problem with the "can still use a second action" bit, because unlike Heroes, they can't be revived, so it helps balance that aspect by allowing them to do something when they stand other than just get beat down again.

Additionally as Justin explains it, this special rule is usually in effect when a lieutenant has to do something vital to the objective. Having them stand up just to be thrown down again...

Exactly. What I mean is, in quests where Heroes have to do something important, a standing Hero can sacrifice an action to stand the downed hero up, an the standing hero gets his other action and the downed hero gets both. If a Hero stands up himself, he only gets 1 action, so loses the action, so another hero standing him up allows less actions to be "wasted", and the heroes can continue to go for objectives (unless they are all knocked down). In some cases, a Hero can even be stood up without requiring an action at all, such as another hero using a healing skill.

Since Lieutenants that can stand up don't have this option (since nobody else can revive them), without this the OL would be at a major disadvantage once the Lieutenant fell, because almost certainly a hero is going to stick around to just keep knocking him down unless the OL can try and do something else after he stands up.

In some cases, a Hero can even be stood up without requiring an action at all, such as another hero using a healing skill.

Thank you for that piece of wisdom. I'm playing the Eliza Farrow plot deck...lots of cards that can revive Splig. Who cares if he gets just one health as long as I have two actions.

I wouldn't have thought of that myself!!!!

Hmm, I'm not 100% sure the same rule would apply to Lieutenants (although they very well could, I'm not sure), even with Overlord and/or Plot cards. IE, I'm not sure a KO'd Lieutenant can be affected by those cards in the same way Heroes can be affected by healing effects.

to be simple :

the lieutenant loses 1 action to do a "stand up action" (roll 2 red dice and recover 1 heart for each heart) and then have 1 another action to do whatever he wants

:) I don't think anyone's disputing that (except for maybe the question of being able to heal a downed Lieutenant with a Plot card without spending an action).

The special rules say he is k.o.ed like a hero. Rules for k.o.ed heroes say that they can be affected by healing effects and then stand up at once. Only difference is that standing up doesn't take a whole turn for a lieutenant. At least that's how I WANT TO SEE it.

here are the official question I posted to Justin, and the answer

Q :In the quest "fury of the tempest", splig is "treated as a hero" and the text says "he is knocked out and may stand up for an action when activated". But, in the rules books, it is says that "standing up si the only action an hero can make" so, if Splig is KO, he will use his entire turn to stand up, right ?
May another monster recover him for one action ?

A: He is treated as a hero in the fact that he is knocked out when defeated. It only takes him 1 action to stand up. Unless otherwise specified, monsters do not have the revive action.
Q: So, if he is KO, he takes one action to stand up, and one other to do wathever he wants, is that right ?
A :Yep!
Edited by rugal

Is the part about stand up only requiring 1 action in the rule book somewhere? Cause I know me and my group missed that part and played it like it took both of their actions... :(

It does takes the whole turn for a hero.

but not for a "lieutenant treated as a hero". Let's say this case is special ...

Edited by rugal

Standing Up in and of itself is only a single action. However, normally, the rules for standing up (p10) basically state after you do it, you flip your card over and end your turn. So it does essentially eat your whole turn, but not because it takes two actions, but because using that action ends your turn.

The ruling from FFG is that Lietenants basically ignore the "end your turn" part of Standing Up, so they still have their second action available.

As for the other things that can heal a downed hero, though, the rules on p15 say "A knocked out hero may still recover damage from other heroes through the use of skills, potions, and being revived." And there are still limitations to even that - for instance, the FAQ says that a Prophet can't use Soothing Insight to give a knocked out hero the insight token, which would normally heal him. I take that to mean that a Hero can't be "given things" while KO'd.

So the question still stands for Lieutenant's, since Plot and OL cards are not skills, potions, or being revived - was the intent to allow them to heal from this type of thing, or not?

I'll ask :D

Man, that quest was brutal for the heroes the last time I played it, the overlord used Hybrid Sentinels and just kept ramming them up our throats.

Here's the answer I received.

First, my question:

A recent ruling was made to say that in a quest where a Lieutenant can be KO'd and stand up like heroes, that for them, standing up doesn't end their turn like it does for heroes (which to me makes sense, because unlike heroes, they don't have anyone nearby to revive them).
Heroes can also sometimes stand up "for free" if they are healed via a skill (other than Soothing Insight, per the FAQ) or potion.
Does the same apply to the Lieutenant's? If a Lieutenant is KO'd, can the Overlord play an Overlord card which would allow a monster/figure to be healed on the KO'd Lieutenant to allow it to stand up without burning an action? Could a Plot card which allows healing do it?
Answer from FFG:
We talked this one over and decided that a KO’d lieutenant can only perform the stand up action as described. He cannot receive healing by other means unless specifically stated.
So basically, it sounds like a KO'd Lieutenant CANNOT be healed other than by standing up (IE, cards that heal can't be used).
Edited by sigmazero13

Thanks sigma. Fortunately the heroes never got close to knocking splig out. My healing effects I just used on the open monster group...