The Bastard Boys

By HastAttack, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

The Bastard Boys increases the claim value by one when knelt as a attacker

There is also the text "To a maximum of 3" "until the end of the phase"

If I give TBB a naval icon, I assume kneeling them as a naval attacker also increases the claim by one

Also, if I declare TBB and then stand and remove them from the challenge, I assume I could then kneel them again, in the same challenge, and increase the claim again

If I trigger TBB response, does this limit my claim to 3 for the rest of the phase ..e.g. I could have a plot claim of 2 and win a challenge and trigger Robs Favour .. ordinarily that would make my claim 4 but if I have triggered TBB earlier in the phase, instead of adding 1 to the claim to make it 5 it actually gets capped at 3?

Edited by HastAttack

"After The Bastard's Boys are knelt as an attacker..."

Yes, you could trigger their effect two times in the same challenge if you gave them a Naval enhancement on that challenge icon and were able to stand and remove them from the challenge if they were already declared as an attacker the first time.

Once you raise claim with The Bastard's Boys, you can only have a maximum of claim 3 regardless of any other effects that can raise claim.

So, you are correct on both accounts based on the wording of their effect.

Thanks - I'll have to make sure I am not reducing my claim by triggering TBB!

Thanks - I'll have to make sure I am not reducing my claim by triggering TBB!

Only do that if you're against me. Claim 3 is sucky enough to be against though. :D

Well the full plan would have been:

Use TBB to push the claim up to 3

Use the Naval plot card - to add another 2 to the claim

Win with a single character using Robs Favour - add another 2 to the claim

And use Ayra Stark so titles that oppose me also pay the claim

Doesn't work. Once you have used TBB's response, your claim is capped at 3 for the rest of the phase.