Not everyone wants to play a Jedi. Some people hate them.
FFG have already made two whole games such people might like more - EotE and AoR.
What about the non-force using companions of force users? Not counting Han, Leia, Chewie, R2, or 3po, we still have Padme Amidala, Jar jar Binks, Jan Ors, Juno Eclipse, the vast majority of the companions in Knights of the old republic and Star wars the old republic. And those are just ones someone with mostly second hand knowledge of the non-movie stuff thought of in three minutes. Non-force users are constantly in the room with full blown jedi, you can't really have a stand alone game without any .
On the balance note, My money is on force careers getting 6 career skills instead of 8 and 3 freebies instead of 4, it'll set them behind the xp curve enough that rushing force powers won't be an "I win" button.