So, let this start of with the mandatory whining: I don't like Rough Riders. I've never really been a fan of them, their one-shot wonder pikes, and their do-nothing-else standing. They and the Shining Spears always made me go "what?" When I originally heard that Rough Riders were out in 6E, I was happy, and hoping that IG would get Bikers; +1T, fast-moving soldiers, possibly with Relentless HW sidecars was going to be very nice, then they didn't drop the horse's asses, though they did drop their relevant leader. Sadly, this post, now this far into it, has nothing to do with my not liking RRs, but I had to whine.
Here's where the mattering part is. Is there any advantage in game to fighting mounted? I know that Rough Riders are meant to crash into the enemy, use their one-shot weapon, and then use being mounted to get out quick, and call it a day, but if you had Space Marines on bikes, Orks on their bikes, or what have you, would they want to keep them, or just hop off and fight? Dark Eldar have blades on their jetbikes, so that they can ride by and slice, getting back away from melee as they go. What other advantages are there?
In other RPGs, such as D&D or Star Wars, they made some advantages. If you charged, and had the feat for it, you could use the mount's Str bonus for the attack and damage, rather than your own. Also, mounted combat often gave access to Ride by or Flyby Attack, so you could strike in the middle of a move, and keep going, striking with the curved sword you had, and then turning to do it again, later, away from your current enemy. (Oh I missed Canto in Fire Emblem: Awakening.) Does any of that work here, in Only War? If my Evil Sunz Warboss were to ride into combat on a bike, is it going to figure into combat, or, being much more melee-oriented, is he going to cross ground with his Wario-mobile, and then hop off to descend into bloodshed?