Alright so we have played this game 4-5 times now and I would like to ask the community for what people think would be best to play this game in terms of additions and additional setup.
What we have done:
- Deal 3 alien cards to each player (one of each color: green, yellow and red). Each player chooses two of them, one face up (main alien power) and one face down (as per rules for operating a secret alien power).
- Played with cosmic quakes.
- Played with advanced encounter cards (which you draw upon taking your defensive reward).
- Played with Hazards.
What we have not tried out yet for fear to burden our games too much:
- Technologies.
- Space stations.
- Alliances (but we don't want to anyway).
I know these two are not entirely necessary to the experience. but have you found they were fun to play with? I was mainly concerned by the fact technologies would speed up the game too much (since ships disappear to support the research, making it easier to attack colonies). I am not sure either which rules I would use for dealing with the conquest of a colony when a space station is attached to it, I dislike the idea that the station can be moved out of the colony.
Any tips about how to incorporate these two mechanisms into our games? What has been playing out best for your playgroup? Or is it just a bad idea?
Edited by Indalecio