Standard Kit Question

By HappyDaze, in Only War

I notice that some of the listed Regiments don't seem to have the gear that would be appropriate per their Regiment creation rules.

For example, the Ogryn World sample regiment doesn't list the 2 krak greandes they should get from being a close assault regiment. This is likely because such grenades are not Ogryn-Proof. Does the regiment get the ability to 'trade-in' such items for something more useful to the whole regiment? I notice that they have 5 frag grenades (more than the 3 frag grenades typical to the Close Assault Regiment). It's possible they bought these with points, but could they also have traded in the krak grenades for them?

As for the Crimson Guard, I have no idea how they got so much rare equipment.

Some of the premade regiments are simply breaking the standard rules for regiment building. The Valhallan regiment for example had the homeworld rules modified to fit them better.

And with GM approval the players can make adjustments to the regiment they make so trading in the non-ogryn-proof gear for stuff that they can use is just one such adjustment that makes sense.

Special snowflakes are special. FFG brakes their own rules when they make premade Regiments, like they have said in official Errata.

Direct quote from Errata:

" Question: Some prebuilt Regiments have Standard Regimental

Kits that differ from the guidelines for creating a Standard
Regimental Guardsman Kit on page 68 in the Only War Core
Rulebook (such as the Kasrkin, on page 20 of Hammer Of tHe
emperOr). Are these Standard Regimental Kits correct as listed?
Answer: Yes. Certain intentional modifications were made to
the equipment lists to reflect the nature of these regiments."

As with all things, the GM is an arbitrator, lawyer and judge. If I'm the GM, I'd never create a Regiment with my players that sticks to the pure RAW, whether it's a small change based on regiment fluff, perks given to certain characters to help realize a concept, or anything of that kind.

It makes perfect sense that the premade regiments would follow the same idea, although they really should've said so right in the books, not the errata, something along the lines of "These regiments closely follow the regimental creation rules, with the following choices. Some small intentional modifications were made to reflect the nature of these regiments, as the GM is encouraged to do in collaboration with the other players in order to realize or strengthen key concepts."

Or something like that.

Our Penal regment scrapped lasweapons for a hombrew autocarbine (reduced clip and RoF +1 pen) and stub autoinstead of RAW kit.

We also started wth athletics, awareness and commmon lore: Imperial guard.

1. We couldn`t understand why they weren`t standard for tained guradsmen. (Although nowadays I`m not so sure about awareness.)

2. All our prisoners were trained soldiers before induction form a military prison (which does happen read Commissar and last chancers.)

3. They had survived years of hard labour mining Tungsten in a military prison.

Personally I think "special snowflake" regiments are almost obligatry as almost every regiment we see in fiction is one. As a gamer and GM it seems only natural to create your own options after all isn`t that why aren`t we just playing linear videogames?

As for the whole Ogryn problem I`d assume that all equipment issued (at least to an ogryn-only regiment) is ogryn proof why on earth would the Munitorum issue equipment they could`nt reasonably expect to salvage back off the corpses?

Edited by Askil