Well, as everyone knows it was the Sheffield Regionals on 24th April. I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and supported the event, there were still 18 players in the tournament even after I lost approximately 10 UFS players to the Yu Gi Oh Nationals (you know who you are.....traitors)
There was a broad range of fantastic decks and fantastic players, and whilst diversity was an issue as it always is in this kind of event, there were only three characters which had diversity issues, and only two players per character.
Interestingly there were no Akuma or Andrew Olexa decks in the tournament, and three of the decks in the top 8 cut contained no copies of Blood Runs True or Feline Spike.
Without further ado here's a breakdown of the top 8 in order of Swiss ranking:
1. Matt Hewitt (Chun Li, Darkness Spike)
2. Ricky Gopaul (Hanzo, Hanzokick)
3. Jason Purcell (Sakura, Sakura Spike)
4. Michael Hardiman (Kyoshiro, Order Aggro-Control)
5. Felix Hughes (Nagase, Combo Soak)
6. Kev Beadle (Mignon, Mignon Spike)
(7.) Michael Redhead (Mignon, Reversals) - and here we have our only casualty of diversity, by just 2 points and one place. Hopefully the 9th place prize of an SNK collector's figure softened the blow a little)
7. Jim Freeman (Alex, Power of the Punch)
8. Justin Parker (Seong Mi Na, Iros Spinta/Defender Loop)
The top 8 pairings for those with no numerical skill therefore pitted Matt against Justin, Ricky against Jim, Jason against Kev and Michael against Felix.
After some very close games and a hard-fought round, Matt, Ricky, Jason and Michael stood in the top four (just like in swiss - maybe I should have cut to top 4)
Michael had the remarkable achievement of knocking Chun Li down to 12 vitality which was a sight rarely seen during the entire day, but ultimately Matt's well known skill as a player provided him with yet another victory with no games conceded and placed him in the final. Ricky was the favourite for the match against Jason as Jason had only been playing for about 2 months, however the combination of multiple Feline Spikes finished with a high Plasma Beam earned Jason yet another victory and gave home a well-deserved place in the final.
However, after beating opponents left, right and centre with his Hanzokick, Ricky also walked away with the prize for the highest placed deck containing no Feline Spikes or Blood Runs Trues: A copy of Street Fighter 2 Special Championship Edition which plugs into any TV.
This left Matt Hewitt against Jason Purcell in the final for the title of UK Northern Regional Champion. Jason started off well in his games with multiple early foundations one game and several Seals of Cessation in the first two turns in game 2, but in both games Matt played his trademark combo of Darkness Blade + Feline Spike to deal fatal damage to a committed Sakura.
There are a few special mentions which simply must be given, and here they are:
Felix Hughes: The one man in the UK who can make me play like a complete idiot using his fearsome "Felix Hado", on the day of the regionals he entertained us all be making the cut with a deck which consistently stalled with White Gi in play until he was ready to play all four copies of 105 Rapids of Rage (or whatever it's called ) in the same turn for amazing overkill.
Kev Beadle: Previously known as an amazing sportsman and organiser for UFS, Kev has also proven his skill as an amazing player by making the top 8 cut in the first ever sanctioned event he played in.
Jim Freeman: For keeping his shop open as long as necessary for Matt's control to end the tournament (well, Matt was playing aggro this time but Jim kept the shop open for an extra hour for us anyway)
Matt Hewitt: Not so much surprising as unstoppable, Matt didn't drop a single game all day, let alone a round.....
Jason Purcell: Well done to our local player who has only played UFS for around 2 months and made the final in his first national level event. No more really needs to be said
Ricky Gopaul: Putting up with my ramblings about the game when we went out for a meal, and for putting up with my Vega deck for an entire game the following morning when I remembered I'd talked about it too much when I was half-asleep so I should back myself up by playing a game with it.
Lloyd Thompson, Matthew Repton, Michael Hardiman, Patrick Newlands: Found the best use for Assets of Power possible: In the finals I walked past their table and found them playing Go Fish with a full deck of Seals (" Does anyone Have Seal of Bedlam? Go Fish ").
So, congratulations to Matt Hewitt our new Regional Champion , thanks once again to all players who attended the event, and for those who made the trip from outside Sheffield I hope the event and the prizes made it worth the journey.
To everyone, I'll see you again at the Path of the Master Finals in Loughborough.
- Ross, UFS Tournament Organiser for Patriot Games in Sheffield