For those who wanted actual psyker levels in Dark Heresy rather than just the number of dice available.
Roll or choose what psyker grade you are before determining your level.
01-60 Primaris
61-95 Secundus
96-00 Tertius
Primaris Psykers are capable of resisting chaotic influence without any external help.
Secundus Psykers must be Soul Bound to the Emperor in order to continue in service.
Tertius Psykers are extremely unstable and add 20 to any Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp roll they make.
Sanctioned Psykers roll or choose your level from the table below. Alpha Plus Psykers are not available for starting characters.
01-05 Iota Level
06-10 Theta Level
11-20 Eta Level
21-30 Zeta Level
31-50 Epsilon Level
51-70 Delta Level
71-90 Gamma Level
91-95 Beta Level
96-00 Alpha Level
There is a small chance non psyker players will have a tiny amount of psychic potential. Roll or choose one of the following at character creation:
01-60 Rho Level
61-70 Pi Level
71-80 Omicron Level
81-85 Xi Level
86-90 Nu Level
91-95 Mu Level
96-98 Lambda Level
99-00 Kappa Level
Your level is so low that you aren’t aware of it and will not be subject to Inquisitorial scrutiny although any psyker players in the group will probably notice the faint power you have.
Each of these Levels is a talent the character starts the game with. Unless extraordinary circumstances occur a character will be stuck with this level til they die.
Each Level is grouped together with others and are governed by the same basic rules.
The hordes of humanity make up the bulk of this group. Anyone with a level from this group is regarded as a normal human in all respects. No scanning etc will produce a positive psyker signature.
You are a normal human and have no potential for psychic manipulation at all.
You are almost normal but every now and then you manifest a wiff of power. Most psykers wouldn't detect this even if they were standing next to you. You may add 1 to any stat test once a session. This bonus may only be used once a session and only in circumstances of stress, such as combat, a hard exam, racing the clock etc.
The most common ‘psykers’ if humanity are ironically the least aware of their own ability. A small connection to the warp enables their subconscious minds to draw power in stressful situations and in the process making a name for themselves as lucky or fluky individuals. No-one with a level from this group manifests a psi rating but will be considered a psyker by scanning devices etc. Their level is so low though that no inquisitorial scrutiny will occur (unless the inquisitor is extremely puritanical). All the bonuses listed in these levels may only be used once a session and only in circumstances of stress, such as combat, a hard exam, racing the clock etc.
A faint whisper of power flows through your soul. You receive a +5 bonus to one test.
Stronger than omicron, the Xi has a more marked affect on his prowess. You receive a +10 bonus to one test.
The Nu are unconsciously skilled individuals. You receive a +15 bonus to one test.
Anyone of Level Mu or higher will be renown for their luck and daring. You may reroll one failed test.
The Lambda’s skill will be widely known and respected. You may reroll one failed test or increase the DoS of a test by 1.
On the cusp of psykerhood the Kappa can escape improbable circumstances or shoot the wings of a gnat, at least every now and then. You gain one Fate Point that cannot be burnt.
True Psykers the Adeptus are the second most common form found amongst humanity. Their power is limited but obvious. Amongst primitive peoples they take the place of tribal shamans. The Adeptus group may only increase their Psi rating to a maximum of 2. Anyone from this group must be sanctioned or is declared a rogue psyker.
With conscious effort the Iota can move objects, call animals and heal the sick. You may only choose Minor psychic powers.
With more power a psyker can channel the warp in destructive ways. You may only choose Minor psychic powers and up to 1 Discipline power with a rating of 10 or less.
The Level Eta psykers make up the bulk of commercial psykers. Powerful but limited they are extremely useful. You may choose Minor psychic powers and up to 1/2 WPB (rounding up) Discipline powers with a rating of 20 or less from the same Discipline
This group produces the battle psykers of the Imperial guard and other Imperial institutions. Their power is a great threat to both the enemies of the Imperium, but in a rogue psyker can pose a threat to Imperial citizens. The Primaris group may only increase their Psi rating to a maximum of 4. Anyone from this group must be sanctioned or is declared a rogue psyker.
With the ability to manifest amazing powers the Zeta level psykers are a force to be reckoned with. You may take minor psychic powers and choose one Discipline to take powers from. You do not receive the Mastery bonus for gaining 10 discipline powers.
Epsilon psykers stride the battlefield destroying the foes of the Imperium, masters of their supernatural power. You may take minor psychic powers and choose one Discipline to take powers from. You may Master this discipline.
Few can match the power of the Destructus psykers. Their power covers a manifold of disciplines and there is little they cannot do. The Destructus group may increase their Psi rating to a maximum of 6. Anyone from this group must be sanctioned or is declared a rogue psyker.
Capable of summoning fire storms or reading minds the Delta level psyker is a truly formidable opponent. You may take minor psychic powers and take powers from any Discipline. You may Master one discipline.
Gamma are masters of their art, true paragons of the scholastica psykana. You may take minor psychic powers and take powers from any Discipline. You may Master two disciplines.
Only a handful of these puissant individuals exist within the Imperium. Their abilities transcend all others and turn them into demi gods. The Supremus group may increase their Psi rating to a maximum of 6 and doubles the value of any dice rolled to cast a power (although not for Psychic phenomena). All power ranges are doubled. Anyone from this group must be sanctioned or is declared a rogue psyker.
The Beta psyker can crush all opposition with a flick of the wrist. You may take minor psychic powers and take powers from any Discipline. You may Master three disciplines.
Near mythical the Alpha psyker is a maestro of the aethyr capable of reshaping the very world around him. You may take minor psychic powers and take powers from any Discipline. You may Master all disciplines.
Alpha-plus psykers cannot physically contain their power and are often possessed or incinerated by their own power. Alpha-plus psykers triple the value on any dice they roll but add +40 to any psychic phenomena test they need to make (add this to a perils test as well if that is rolled). They follow the rules for alpha psykers but treat the range of their powers as kilometres instead of metres. If the range is already given in kilometres, it becomes thousands of kilometres. If they can't actually see the target they can make a WP test to find the mind of any person and target them.