So at New England qualifiers I saw 16/21 players using a Dash/Freeholders combo with the Falcon. Some added in the Blockade Runner/Sleuths others the Han/Lando pods but it was deja vu all day. And really frustrating to see a game with this many cards limited to 2 variation decks.
As a first tournament experience that was a downer. Everyone was nice and all but I'm hoping this gets fixed STAT.
Until it does though, what's a good dark side counter? Palpatine/Weequay/Jabba/Mara capturing and Tactics icons up the wazoo? Has anyone found a good way to shut this down? I lost all 3 matches to these jokers on their second turn (one guy got an absurd opening hand of 3 Freeholders, One Falcon and two of the drawing 2 cards each event which I assume is just a one in a thousand NPE and not something I can do anything about, he was nice enough to even feel bad for me afterwards)