Have some points; If I 2x Security Testing the same server it grants 4c at the end of the First Run? They both trigger from the same event/timing. Second Tennin Institute; Why can't ToL target Tennin as the first target "a card" the have to move it to an "another installed card". We infer that ToL wants 2 installed targets.
ToL " Move up to 2 advancement tokens from a card to another installed card that can be advanced."
So breaking down.
1st target:You need 0-2 Advancement tokens on a card
2nd target: another installed card that can be advanced
@Dev come on guys make a clear rules set. You have errata,FAQ. Most of us have or come from MTG (Oracle text and FAQS), why can't we have some type of unified text/clear rulings without having to always require an electronic response? Playing in a group setting there isn't a session that doesn't have some rules question from the group. Clear rules, unified text, defined timings.