
By ElricOfMelnibone, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I know some of my rules refer to the Gears, but I haven't posted rules for such things so far. I have my rules for gears, which are to be considered extremely temporary, since I couldn't test them and I'm not still satisfied with the result. Feedback and ideas would be greatly appreciated (although as some might have noticed I don't have much time to look at the forum right now).

Here they are:


Combat vehicle with 2000Life Points Damage Accumulation, AT8 against all Attacks Types, and Damage Barrier 100.

Has a reserve of 5.000 Zeon and consumes 60 Zeon per hour in order to function.

Uses Str11, and grants +2Dex, and +2Agi to pilot.

Natural Flight 6. Looses if Zeon is less than 100.

May use Dodge, with same penalties of using a Supernatural Shield (-80 to Defense, loses right to attack if put at the defensive).

Has special Magic Attacks projected through the user’s Attack value which can be used by spending Zeon. These attacks require Zeon (from the Goethia Zeon Reserve) to be accumulated at a Rate of 150 per turn. Using an Offensive Spell is a Complete Attack Action.

Agnitum Magnus, applied to Offensive Spells and Natural Weapons.

Ambidextrous (applied only to attacks with Natural Weapons).

Grants Inhumanity.

-10 Initiative.

2XRanged Natural Weapons (100m, Dam 120, Vel+0, Energy, Pierce, Firing, RoF300)

Offensive Spells:

GOETHE (150 Zeon): 1XIntermediate Catastrophic Light.

CALAMITY (600 Zeon): 5XAdvanced Light Beams.


Combat vehicle with 3000Life Points Damage Accumulation, AT12 against all Attacks Types, and Damage Barrier 160.

Uses Str13, and Grants Dex+1, and Agi+1 to pilot.

Has a reserve of 5.000 Zeon and consumes 60 Zeon per hour in order to function.

Has special Magic Attacks projected through the user’s Attack value which can be used by spending Zeon. These attacks require Zeon (from the Grimorium Verum Zeon Reserve) to be accumulated at a Rate of 150 per turn. Using an Offensive Spell is a Complete Attack Action.

Grants Inhumanity

-10 Initiative.

Natural Weapons (Dam 150, Vel-10, Energy, Thrust, -2AT)

Offensive Spells:

EXODIA CANNON (150-225-300 Zeon): Choose Between: Intermediate Mystic Bolt with 15m range and -2AT / Advanced Mystic Bolt with 25m range and -2AT / Arcane Mystic Bolt with 35m range and -2AT.

MAGUS BURST (450 Zeon): Only on Charge, benefits from Charge Bonus, 1XIntermediate Mystic Bolt on All Chosen Targets within 2m range, with -2AT.

VERATIS (450 Zeon): 1XIntermediate Mystic Bolt on All Chosen Targets within 2m range, with -2AT.


Combat vehicle with 3000Life Points Damage Accumulation, AT10 against all Attacks Types, and Damage Barrier 160.

Has a reserve of 10.000 Zeon and consumes 100 Zeon per hour in order to function. Recovers 100 Zeon per day.

Uses Str15, and Grants Dex+2, Agi+2, Pow+2 to pilot.

Mystical Flight 8. Looses if Zeon is less than 100.

Allows casting Spells, using Psychic Powers, and using Ancient Blood Techniques through it, as well as Power-Up Magnus.

Has special Magic Attacks/Defenses/Effects projected through the user’s Attack/Defense value (applying the Damage Accumulation -80 Defense Penalty) which can be used by spending Zeon. These Attacks/Defenses require Zeon (from the Legacy of Solomon Zeon Reserve) to be accumulated at a Rate of 200 per turn. Using an Offensive Spell is a Complete Attack Action.

Natural Weapons (Dam230, Vel+20, Pierce, Cut, Supernatural Attack)

Offensive Spells per turn:

ENERGY SCREEN (400 Zeon): Arcane Royal Shield.

ENERGY WINGS – Passive Effect - (400 Zeon): A single attack this turn has +100 Attack and +100 Damage.

UNLIMITED (1400Zeon): Intermediate Greater Mystic Bolt on All Chosen Targets within 10m, causing Impact with STR15.

THE VOICE OF GOD – Passive Effect - (200 Zeon): +1 Attack without Penalties.


Combat vehicle with 2500Life Points Damage Accumulation, AT9 against all Attacks Types, and Damage Barrier 140.

Allows spending Fatigue on actions and grants +6 Fatigue.

Uses Str15, and Grants +2DEX, +2AGI.

300 Ki Battery. Consumes 3Ki per hour.

Grants its user +2 to All Accumulations and Full Accumulation as far as the user has Aura Extension.

Can Dodge and Parry as a Damage Accumulation being employing a Supernatural Shield (-80 Penalty).

Pilot may use Martial Arts, Weapon Style Modules, Ki Abilities, Nemesis Abilities, Ars Magna and Ki Techniques while inside it.

+20 Initiative.

Natural Weapons: (Dam190, Vel+20, Imp, -, For30, Bre13, PreVar)

Retractile Giant Bastard Sword: (+10Attack, +10Block, Dam280, Vel-20, Str12/14, Cut, Imp, One- or Two-Handed, Sword/Two-Handed, For61, Bre23, Pre125, -2AT, +60Crit)

Can spend 3Ki of the Reserve each turn for a 20m Automatic Transport Movement.

Hey, I love the Gears concept.

I will try one in my campaign and let you know.

Thank you! I'd love to have feedback, since I never had a chance to test them!

I fell like they are a bit too weak potentially. I would like to see more level scaling based on the pilot, While you can't really scale the LP perhaps some expansion of modules for the pilots might help. For high tier characters these don't have a lot of benefit that I am seeing, I mean they are pretty awesome but maybe just a scale up of area of effect or even just some higher tier examples.