This all started when a player that is playing a psyker expressed a desire to basically become Count Dooku at some point. The problem was, of course, that he had gone for pyromancy, and there's not that much force lightning going around the WH40kRP books.
So I offered to set about converting Pyromancy into electromancy, or what then ended up becoming
. It made sense, since Pyromancy is primarily damage-based, it does Energy Damage, and I could convert flame effects to shock effects fairly easily.
After a few hours of work, I finally finished this:
I recommend downloading it in order to have everything display correctly.
I would love any and all feedback. In particular, I'd like to hear whether the nerf to Lightning Bolt/Barrage/Storm is warranted (preserving "Five Degrees of Success or more" across the board, rather than reducing it). I didn't want for each power to be objectively better than the preceding one, but I'm still not sure if it's a good change.