Question about Card Name including italic rider

By ibell, in CoC Rules Discussion

Does it? Does the Title "name of the card" include the light italic text following the bold?

Could, for example, a player have 3 x "Wilbur Whately, Scion of Yog Soggoth" and 3x "Wilbur Whately, Preternaturally Intelligent" in the same Deck?

Could a player play "Wilbur Whastely,. Scion of Yog Soggoth" if he already controlled an in play "Wilbur Whately, Preternaturally Intelligent"?


Cards can have:

  1. A heading, known as the 'title', which is the name of this card.
  2. A sub-heading (for those cards that have it), known as the 'descriptor', which provides additional descriptive text such as thematic information about the card, and is used to differentiate versions of cards.

A card with a bullet next to its title is unique. If you have a unique card in play, you cannot play, take control of, or put into play another card with the same title - regardless of whether they have different descriptors.
So, no, you could not play 'Wilbur Whately, Scion of Yog-Sothoth' if you already had played, put in to play or taken control of 'Wilbur Whately, Preternaturally Intelligent'.

Note also that you may not have more than three of any card title in the deck - again, regardless of whether they have different descriptors.
So, also no, you could not have both 3x 'Wilbur Whately, Scion of Yog-Sothoth' and 3x 'Wilbur Whately, Preternaturally Intelligent' in the same deck.

For further info, see the following sections in the Core rules:

  • The Cards - Card Anatomy Key
  • The Cards - Unique Cards
  • Deck-Building Rules

Ah yes, thank you. I hadn't noticed the "Descriptor" label (2) in Card Anatomy for some reason. This is indeed clearly covered in the Core Rules. Thanks for setting me straight.