Ok, me and The Rip-Off played a few games using the polar deck posted for benchmarking. I have to say it was like watching a train wreck. To say Polar didn't matter would be an understatement: in the games played (I was using normal decks, Graham was trying his hand at Polar) it felt like playing solitaire: the polar deck managed to fire exactly 0 polar events, and 1 commitment trick (which, I must add, did make me use a card).
Now, I have to say I held a record of 0 wins against Graham, and he is one of the most talented players and deckbuilders I played against, but he didn't manage to get Polars to work.
Game one: Polar [The_King_in_Yellow] VS CthulhuSynd [Roberto Carioli]
[14:21:55] Roberto Carioli scrive:anyway, you start
[14:21:56] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:k
[14:21:59] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:it wont help
[14:22:24] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ok i have 8 cards
[14:22:29] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I dont know what they do
[14:22:34] Roberto Carioli scrive:
[14:22:52] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:uhm
[14:22:56] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:.....................
[14:23:18] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:the irony is
[14:23:26] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:as long as you commit your guys
[14:23:33] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I can never play a polar event
[14:23:39] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:and cant get them into the disc
[14:23:45] Roberto Carioli scrive:
[14:23:48] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:which makes all the other polar cards useless
[14:23:55] Roberto Carioli scrive:I hadn't notices that
[14:23:57] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:so right now, 40% of my hand is useless
So, here's the first real trouble with polar events. The more you have in your deck, the less useful they become: while a SacOfferings can be played at any time to generate an effect, Polars have such strict conditions to be used they are more or less dead weight in your hand. So, you need to hold on Polars in the chance a situation where they can be played happens, but you have to defend yourself from the other deck's characters and keep the deadwood a Polar card is in your hand.
[14:23:59] Roberto Carioli scrive:I hadn't noticed that
[14:24:22] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ok
[14:24:26] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I READY!
[14:24:30] Roberto Carioli scrive:me too
[14:25:06] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:done
[14:25:10] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[14:26:02] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:im pretty done
[14:26:54] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:OK
[14:27:03] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Id like to make a point
[14:27:07] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Im holding hypothermia
[14:27:13] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[14:27:35] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:it will be atleast 3 turns or more till I can waste a card to get ONE polar in my graveyard
[14:28:00] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:so on T3 MAYBE I can pay 3 to would a char
[14:28:12] Roberto Carioli scrive:eh
Now, Hypothermia, the keystone of polar events... completely useless: while it was drawn twice it's high cost, low yield (1-2 wounds) and restrictive conditions made it a dead weight. At this point we had resourced. I was sitting [C] - [C] - and he was [H] - [H] - [H]
First turn Graham played 2x Performance Artists and 1x Demon Lover. I must comment how a good play this was, since the Artists protected one each other against a sneaky T1 Nodens (not to mention they would have made me waste a turn for accelleration) and Demon Lover restriced me to at most 1 success token on t1.
On my turn I resourced [CC] - [C] -
, played both Ancient Gold (attached to the big domain) and Snake Totem, and triggered Gold.
[14:28:48] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:oh oh oh oh wait!
[14:28:53] Roberto Carioli scrive:oh, btw, do yu waste Performance artist on the supports
[14:28:59] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I can perf arm u
[14:29:06] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yeah
[14:29:06] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[14:29:15] Roberto Carioli scrive:both?
[14:29:15] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Ill get one
[14:29:19] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:the gold
[14:29:26] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[14:29:30] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:if it doesnt stop u, im dead
Again good play by Graham, since only Ancient Gold would have enabled a Nodens reset, and the other Artist was left there for Stars Are Right Nodens prevention. I just Snake'd Star Spawn Priest into play.
[14:30:04] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:that should be game
[14:30:15] Roberto Carioli scrive:hmmm, pretty much
Now, Polar, in all their might, cannot remove a Star Spawn Priest, which is hardly a threat to other decks.
[14:31:47] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok, I'll say pass
[14:31:50] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ok
[14:31:53] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Im happy
[14:32:04] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:hahahahaha
[14:32:09] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I cant stop laughing
[14:32:20] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:the draws are hysterical
[14:33:17] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:you have to assume i have beneathe the mire cause i got a two-open domain
[14:33:18] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok, now with 4 chars you cannot even commit one
[14:33:30] Roberto Carioli scrive:right
[14:33:38] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:pl. ill attack
[14:33:56] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:TOKENS BABY!
The following turn TRO played Patron and Performance Artist number 3. Again, in the whole deck, there is not a single character which can do anything about Star Spawn Priest. He committed to three stories, I insaned one Artist.
[14:34:06] Roberto Carioli scrive:shame on me
[14:34:12] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yeah
[14:34:21] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:but i got a good start
[14:34:25] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:...
[14:34:28] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:just no finish
[14:34:31] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yt
[14:35:33] Roberto Carioli scrive:op?
[14:35:38] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:nah
[14:35:38] Roberto Carioli scrive:yeah
[14:35:50] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I need to conserve suicide blockers
I resourced again [CCC] - [C] -
[14:36:27] Roberto Carioli scrive:sac on the artist
[14:36:35] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:****...
Nodens hit the board undisturbed.
[14:37:12] Roberto Carioli scrive:let's clear
[14:37:15] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ugh
Followed by a Snake'd Anarchist.
[14:38:03] Roberto Carioli scrive:well, I'm in story
[14:38:12] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:sadly....this deck is the goal for nate
[14:38:18] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:i cant do anything
[14:38:26] Roberto Carioli scrive:pretty much
[14:38:49] Roberto Carioli scrive:yt
Both characters committed unopposed.
[14:39:08] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:notice the utter waste of space the polar cards are
[14:39:13] Roberto Carioli scrive:yes
[14:39:31] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:cant do anything
[14:39:46] Roberto Carioli scrive:a few more useful chars and I could have been slowed a lot
[14:39:53] Roberto Carioli scrive:mt?
[14:39:56] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yup
[14:40:16] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:nothin i can do so just take stories
[14:41:05] Roberto Carioli scrive:yt
[14:41:06] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:dam...my hard earned tokens
And here's another Polar failure: nothing he drew could do anything to deal with Nodens and Anarchist (I think he drew Polar Fog and another Polar something). At this point the game was pretty much over. Pulp Writer appeared, and managed to have the Anarchist go bonkers before getting eaten by a Deep One Rising, and two Repairers making a last stand before being Deep One slaughtered.
Polar review: 0 Polar Events made it into play. Hypothermia was sitting idle. The deck got out controlled with 4 removals (Nodens, SacOff, Deep One Rising and Deep One Assault). To be fair I have to say the Deep One Assault in the end could have been spared. Actually, if all Polar Events had been random 1 cost characters Polar would've had a beter survival chance.
[14:55:04] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:you might as well just throw all the polar card in the bin when you draw them
[14:55:16] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:lets try again..."I got a bad draw"!
[14:55:21] Roberto Carioli scrive:yeah
[14:55:21] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:thats all//
[14:55:24] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:
[14:56:41] Roberto Carioli scrive:Mother Khanum would destroy this deck.
[14:56:47] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:well
[14:56:52] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:strictly speaking
[14:57:03] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:there are about 50 cards that if in play will kill this deck
[14:57:12] Roberto Carioli scrive:
[14:57:28] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok, it doesn't get killed by:
[14:57:37] Roberto Carioli scrive:Innsmouth trouble maker
[14:57:39] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:hmmm
[14:57:43] Roberto Carioli scrive:Knight of the Void
[14:57:45] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:or young deep one
[14:58:02] Roberto Carioli scrive:aaaaand Kitab al-Azif
On to game two
Synd vs Polar
Now, this matchup proved particulary deadly to Polar: it was a texbook t3 Syndicate win. Polar couldn't even scrape enough forces to pretend it had enough forces to deal with Synd.
[15:00:16] Roberto Carioli scrive:heads
[15:00:16] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:you can go first this time
[15:00:19] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[15:00:23] Roberto Carioli scrive:I't Synd
[15:01:10] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:here is the draw
[15:01:32] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:what the hell do i do with this crap?
[15:01:52] Roberto Carioli scrive:wait until t3 aaand
[15:01:57] Roberto Carioli scrive:well I don't know
[15:02:08] Roberto Carioli scrive:there has to be some tech somewhere
[15:02:09] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Im determined to get polar mirage played
[15:02:22] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I am going to die trying to play that card
[15:02:36] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[15:03:19] Roberto Carioli scrive:I'll go
[15:03:33] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yup
Fugitive enters play: Polar has no way to deal with it until t3.
[15:04:00] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:thats prolly game
[15:04:08] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I dont think I can stop him
[15:04:17] Roberto Carioli scrive:wait
[15:04:26] Roberto Carioli scrive:I've got a commitment trick too
[15:04:30] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:uh ph
[15:04:32] Roberto Carioli scrive:and I want to play it
[15:04:34] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:oh
[15:04:52] Roberto Carioli scrive:taaaaa dah
Clover Club Bouncer hits the table: laughter ensues.
[15:05:07] Roberto Carioli scrive:yt
[15:05:14] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ugh
[15:05:24] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:here is my draw
[15:05:45] Roberto Carioli scrive:I never thought Bouncer + Fugitive = board control
And that's it: Bouncer + Fugitive can deal with any character this deck puts out, while the opposite is false.
[15:05:47] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:only now do i appreciate just how random polar fog is
[15:06:09] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:lets face it.,....we both WAY overestimated polar
[15:06:18] Roberto Carioli scrive:yes
[15:06:27] Roberto Carioli scrive:I agree
[15:06:39] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:woo hoo!
[15:06:42] Roberto Carioli scrive:****!!!
Pulp Writer enters play.
[15:06:45] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:another useless char
But cannot deal with any Willpower Combat character.
[15:06:48] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yt
[15:06:59] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:oh man
[15:07:06] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:oh man
[15:07:10] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I got a combo
[15:07:14] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:that is stupid
[15:08:06] Roberto Carioli scrive:aaand
[15:08:15] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:uh no
[15:08:20] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:2 cards I cant stop
Mentor Enters play
[15:08:28] Roberto Carioli scrive:cdw exhaust
[15:08:44] Roberto Carioli scrive:like this
[15:08:50] Roberto Carioli scrive:and I'll suffer disgrace
[15:08:51] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:at this point i howl as im holding polar stuff that cant even be played
[15:09:09] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:wow look how useful tyhis card is
[15:09:17] Roberto Carioli scrive:yeah
[15:09:25] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:cant do anything
Graham was talking about Polar Mirage, whose uselessness proved itself against Fugi + Mentor. BTW, the game was practically done at this point, it was just a matter of seeing if it would have ended t3 or t4.
[15:09:37] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yeah right
[15:10:03] Roberto Carioli scrive:yt
[15:10:24] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:oh man
[15:10:28] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I got the fin penguin!
[15:10:35] Roberto Carioli scrive:yeah!
[15:10:51] Roberto Carioli scrive:now youhave THE draw engine
[15:10:56] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:wow that changes everything
[15:11:09] Roberto Carioli scrive:and you were thinking Hastur had no draw ability
[15:11:13] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yeah
[15:11:19] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I was clearly wrong
[15:11:23] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:yt
[15:11:33] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:Im gonna "combo" you
[15:11:38] Roberto Carioli scrive:I'll exhaust cdw
[15:11:44] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:heh
[15:12:32] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:I can pulp cdw to make you insane!
[15:12:42] Roberto Carioli scrive:yeah
[15:12:47] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:the pointlessness of it is hilarius
[15:12:58] Roberto Carioli scrive:****, that's awesome
[15:13:04] Roberto Carioli scrive:I am laughing out
[15:13:20] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:wow this is bad
[15:13:37] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:there is NO card in this deck that can deal with 2 cards you got out
Graham did the only thing possible, waiting to insane the poor Bouncer. My turn began.
[15:14:10] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[15:14:25] Roberto Carioli scrive:ITG!
[15:14:30] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:uh no
[15:14:35] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:my commital cards!
[15:15:42] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ironically....the cards you can get are such a waste, your betting off keeping your domain...
[15:16:11] Roberto Carioli scrive:I'll say: Mirage (so you won't play it), Penguin (to deny you the chance to draw another mirage), aaaaand Inmate.
Before you ask "did In the Gutter matter?" No, it didn't for none of the cards mentioned would have had any effect
[15:16:25] Roberto Carioli scrive:plus I'll know your tricks! AH!
[15:16:25] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:****
[15:16:39] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:ill shoot cdw!
[15:16:45] Roberto Carioli scrive:ok
[15:16:46] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:with pulp and crazy bouncer
[15:16:48] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:woo hoo!
Triggerman enters play, completing the trifecta
[15:18:45] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:there is nothing i can do
[15:18:50] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:you win
[15:18:54] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:by slaughter
[15:19:21] Roberto Carioli scrive:no, no tricks?
[15:19:24] Roberto Carioli scrive:****
[15:19:25] The_King_In_Yellow scrive:no
Polar Review: number of polar events played 0. The deck has no way to deal with willpower or, to say the truth, well, anything remotely cost efficient.
Now, the Synd Cthulhu and the Syndicate decks:
3x Yig, Father of Snakes
3x Ravager from the Deep
3x Sacrificial Offerings
3x Forgotten Isle
3x Deep One Assault
2x Devil's Hop Yard, Bleak and Blasted
3x Ancient Gold
3x Anarchist (EE)
3x The Seventh House on the Left
3x Nodens, Potent and Archaic
2x Expatriate Reporter</name>
2x Deep One Rising
2x Bestial Shoggoth
2x Guardian Shoggoth
2x Lord of the Silver Twiligt
2x Carl Stanford, Deathless Fanatic
2x Snake Totem
2x Nosy Columnist
2x Star Spawn Priest
3x Wish for Power
3x The Seventh House on the Left
3x Fugitive
3x Triggerman
3x Assistant to Dr. West
3x Mentor to Vaughn
3x Anarchist (EE)
3x In the Gutter
3x Opium Fiend
3x Street Preacher
3x Extortionist
3x Blind Medium
3x Dabbler in the Unknown
3x Clover Club Bouncer
3x Patsy
1x Granny Orne
1x Nosy Columnist
3x Hard Case
3x Syndicate Liaison