...Okay. Bear in mind I'm working only from the beginner box here. Apologies for my ignorance.
Got the starter set, and most of the rules make nice, simple sense*. The one thing that doesn't follow easily is in the vehicle combat - specifically the example starfighters and shields.
A point of defence adds a setback die to incoming fire. Fine and dandy. However:
- According to the AoR mini-rulebook in the starter box defence used to represent shields. Which makes me curious as the interceptor has a point of defence. I know shielded interceptors did exist but they were far from common.
- Defence is written up as four 'boxes' - the X wing is "1 - - 1" and the interceptor "- - - 1". The statline template is structured this way, so it's clearly deliberate that there are four 'slots', even though the TIE l/n and shuttle have nothing in any of them.
- Do I just add them all up? (so the X-wing gets 2 setback dice against incoming fire). Seems a bit overwrought rather than just giving it a defence rating of '2'.
- I get the impression I'm missing something in the mini-rulebook from the proper core rules which makes sense of this (possibly shield arcs?).
* In an RPG? This is heresy! Where are the unneccessarily convoluted grappling rules?
Edited by Magnus Grendel