Fortune and Glory- Encounter 2 with 2 heroes

By nhennsc, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just wondering if anybody can help me with a question about Fortune and Glory- encounter #2, playing with only 2 heroes.

In "Reinforcements" it states "If all doors but the hidden passage are opened, he may also place 1 ettin on 1 of the unique spaces marked with an "X."

Now my question is, playing with 2 heroes the OL group limit is only 1 minion ettin but it doesn't say anything about respecting group limits. So can the OL place a master ettin first and then next turn if he still lives place the minion ettin, having both ettins on the board?

For reinforcements, you must always respect group limits unless otherwise stated. It does not say to ignore group limits, so you must respect them. They are reinforcements after all.

That said, it's disappointing that they didn't see fit to make sure that it's clear in the quest rules.