Does anyone out there play a true tank-based campaign in Only War ? Whenever new tank stats are announced in upcoming supplements, a chorus of cheers goes up on the Forum, but most of the comments are in the form of "When I play a tank campaign in the future, that will come in handy!". I don't recall ever reading a post describing an active tank-based campaign.
The reason why I ask is that I'm just not seeing how a tank campaign doesn't degenerate into a repetitive series of Drive and Shoot rolls. How do you spin an interesting narrative around staying inside a vehicle? There are no shortage of movies that provide inspiration for squad-based military adventures, but what inspiration for a tank campaign is there to draw upon? I've seen The Beast (Soviet tank lost in Afganistan), and Kelly's Heroes sorta-kinda counts as a tank-based adventure; those provide some inspiration for specific scenarios, but don't really lend themselves to being chapters in an ongoing campaign. So, what else?
Do players enjoy actual (not theoretical) tank combat? Or does everyone but the Gunner and, to a lesser extent, the Driver, spend most of the combat twiddling their thumbs?
And, since everyone raves about super-heavy tanks- how do you not run out of appropriate adversaries after a half-dozen Baneblade missions? Especially using the Spinward Front setting, which is the only WH40KRP setting that doesn't feature Chaos as the core antagonist. After you have destroyed an Ork Gargant, and contrived an excuse for the Severin Dominate to have access to a Titan- then what?
Is my skepticism about tank-based campaigns just a lack of imagination on my part, or is the enthusiasm for Tanks, Tanks, Tanks based on wishful thinking rather than actual play?