Does a pure Sith deck still require two copies of the core game?

By ServiceGames, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Just curious. I'd like to play a full sith deck, but I only have one core set. I was told, at one time, to build a truly good Sith deck, you need two copies of the core game. Is this still the case, or have the expansions and Force Packs added enough Sith cards to make for a better Sith deck (it's been a good while since I last asked).

Would love some ideas for a pure Sith deck if possible as well. Thanks in advance!


With the addition of the Mara pod combined with the executor you might be able to make a fun mono sith deck with one core set.

Something like

-2x Mara

-2x Executor

-1x Palpatine

-1x Vader

-1x Counsel

-1x Serve the Emperor

-2x Killing Cold

Require? No. But you may miss being able to run doubles of Vader or Palpatine who are still great cards.

To echo the other answers a little, yes, it's possible to put together an effective Sith deck without a second Core Set now, Serve the Emperor , The Executor Arrives , The Ghosts of the Dark Side , Scouring the Empire , and Agent of the Emperor all are potent objective sets in their own right that can support the Sith Control playstyle. In fact, 2x of each of those sounds like an interesting core-less Sith build.

However, Fall of the Jedi and The Emperor's Web are still possibly the best objective sets in the Sith arsenal, and it's hard to go wrong starting with two of each of those and 1-2 Counsel of the Sith .

But yeah, suggested decklist.

2x Serve the Emperor

2x The Executor Arrives

2x The Ghosts of the Dark Side

2x Scouring the Empire

2x Agent of the Emperor

Lots of potential removal in Force Shockwave, Force Storm, and Dark Memories, Jerek and Mara Jade as powerful uniques, the Executor for intimidation purposes, and enough cool playtoys that you might not even miss Force Choke/Lighting.

Gods I'm sick of seeing questions like this. You just need to accept that one core is the low-entry-cost demo version, and two cores is the actual game. They're not gouging you by trying to make you pay double, they did you a favor by letting you try it out at half-price. And it's still exponentially more budget-friendly than CCGs. Sure, maybe eventually the card pool will broaden enough that you'll be able to build decent decks without reliably being able to see Vader, Palpatine, Han, Luke, Yoda, Home One, or Devestator... but why on earth would you want to? I really wish they'd split it up differently, say, a Jedi vs Sith starter and an Empire vs Rebel starter, so we wouldn't see this nonsense.

A little harsh there. Not necessary. If it annoys you so much just don't read/reply.

Toq, as harsh as it is, The Gas is kinda right.

For instance, the guy who won the US nationals and came second at Worlds used only two copies of the Core set for his Dark side deck. Core!

If you are playing casual at your kitchen table, etc., then one Core is fine. If you are planning to go to any store championships, regionals, nationals, worlds, or truly any other 'competitive' event, you need two Core sets.

Other decks like the one D.Knight sketched out is nice, but it may ultimately be better with some Core Sith.

If you splash Navy, you could make a deck that's almost a Tier 1.5 level Sith deck. You could probably do:
2x Mara
2x Executor
1x Emperor
2x Vader's Fist
1x Motti (or 1 Dark Trooper set)
1x Deploy the Fleet
1x Devastator
8 Resources with 2 Holocrons isn't horrible. It could push damage towards the end of the game to finish it, and Vader's Fist is a great objective to start. You also get elements of Sith control that make it feel more like a good Sith deck.
Edited by JMCB

I don't agree with any kind of harshness, whether you think you are right or wrong. This community needs to realize the constant bickering and stuff is hurting the game. New players are the games lifeblood. Get used to questions like this as they will never stop and if they do it means we stopped getting new players who need to ask the "simple" questions.

That looks like a pretty decent deck there JMCB.

I'm with Toqtamish on this one. There is nothing to be gained by being harsh in your posts. I mean, this just a game afterall! And we definitely need new players.

Besides, I bet with practice you can do really well with a 1-core deck. I'm going to go out on an uninformed limb here and wager that half of the reason top tier players use so much Core Sith is because they're used to it. They've been using those cards from the start and winning games. They have a solid understanding of which cards to play in which situation, what to discard to edge battles, what to commit to the Force, and when to discard something at the beginning of the draw phase. I don't see any reason someone can't get the same level of familiarity from a Force-pack-only deck. Will it be an uphill struggle? Probably, because those core cards are pretty strong. But I, for one, think it can be done.

Edited by Budgernaut

I don't agree with any kind of harshness, whether you think you are right or wrong. This community needs to realize the constant bickering and stuff is hurting the game. New players are the games lifeblood. Get used to questions like this as they will never stop and if they do it means we stopped getting new players who need to ask the "simple" questions.

That looks like a pretty decent deck there JMCB.

You are right. I am not agreeing with the tone. And we shouldn't have that tone here.

I think the point still stands that most Sith decks will be much more competitive with two Core sets.