Hi all
I'm just struggling to come up with a DS deck for a tournament this weekend , can't have any Lure of the dark side cards in it .
Any suggestion
Hi all
I'm just struggling to come up with a DS deck for a tournament this weekend , can't have any Lure of the dark side cards in it .
Any suggestion
I used this during Store champs season, worked really well against Scouts. With False Report around now I would stall blowing up any objectives until dial is at 6 and then just win.
2x Dark Time
2x Death and Despayre
2x Kuat
2x Defense Protocol
1x Repair and Refurbish
1x Imperial Blockade
Toq's deck list is a lot of fun, if you prefer you can go more full on star destroyer.
I've found in tournaments your best bet is to ignore false report and pump the dial. Giving them another turn to get off a ridiculous combo can sometimes bite you. Unless they had a freeholder in hand (or have one on the board) false report shouldn't hurt you too much as they won't be drawing a lot of new cards.
Waiting until the dial reach 6 (or 5 with devastator) is also a solid strategy but it's bitten me one too many times.
I've found in tournaments your best bet is to ignore false report and pump the dial. Giving them another turn to get off a ridiculous combo can sometimes bite you. Unless they had a freeholder in hand (or have one on the board) false report shouldn't hurt you too much as they won't be drawing a lot of new cards.
Uhm... what?
The LS pulls all their units back into their hand just before their deploy phase. What would they possibly need to draw for? They immediately redeploy as much as they had out, and have a total free turn to rampage across the DS objectives. The Freeholders are the most ludicrous example of it, but if you're not in a very strong position as far as surviving objectives and damage when False Report hits, the game is almost certainly over.
I've found in tournaments your best bet is to ignore false report and pump the dial. Giving them another turn to get off a ridiculous combo can sometimes bite you. Unless they had a freeholder in hand (or have one on the board) false report shouldn't hurt you too much as they won't be drawing a lot of new cards.
Uhm... what?
The LS pulls all their units back into their hand just before their deploy phase. What would they possibly need to draw for? They immediately redeploy as much as they had out, and have a total free turn to rampage across the DS objectives. The Freeholders are the most ludicrous example of it, but if you're not in a very strong position as far as surviving objectives and damage when False Report hits, the game is almost certainly over.
What I'm saying is if all they had are small units and no freeholders down when they get returned too hand they will probably be at their reserve and not get a bunch of free holders from the units returned to your hand. They only have limited resource so what at worse we see a falcon drop in a chewy or something? If they did happen to get free-holders chances are they could combo off holding all the cards to make them free anyway, this way you've at least pumped the dial to attempt to win on tiebreakers.
The point is if you are afraid of getting false reported you are giving them more opportunities to set up their auto-win combos. This is bad, and if you are risking it either way why not take the option that pumps the dial so you can attempt to win on tie breakers. The OP is talking about a tournament setting after all, in the current meta the LS decks win so fast, the top cut is often determined by how fast the DS can pump the dial.
Hi all
I'm just struggling to come up with a DS deck for a tournament this weekend , can't have any Lure of the dark side cards in it .
Any suggestion
New tournament rules says once on the shelf it is legal. Probably doesn't help though.
Sith capture x2
Emperor x2
Weequays x2
Jabba x2
Jawa x2
If you can convince them to run current,
Vader x2
Emperor x2
Mara Jade x2
Punishing One
Boba Fett
I recommend against 2 Jawa's.
Dash players (90% of the US meta) loves when they see Jawa's on the board. It's just juicy objective damage. The less chance you give them to win with the dial below 4 the better
Hi all
I'm just struggling to come up with a DS deck for a tournament this weekend , can't have any Lure of the dark side cards in it .
Any suggestion
New tournament rules says once on the shelf it is legal. Probably doesn't help though.
Only in North America. He's in Australia.
I recommend against 2 Jawa's.
Dash players (90% of the US meta) loves when they see Jawa's on the board. It's just juicy objective damage. The less chance you give them to win with the dial below 4 the better
Actually Jawas aren't horrible in the metagame at all (you just need to make sure and win the edge all the time with them out). The best / worst card is the sandcrawler. It can slow the opponent down a whole bunch, but you don't want them to outmaneuver it.
I recommend against 2 Jawa's.
Dash players (90% of the US meta) loves when they see Jawa's on the board. It's just juicy objective damage. The less chance you give them to win with the dial below 4 the better
Two objectives with 6 damage capacity that also turn you weequays on and hopefully take out the cards you don't want him to have, two utini, four units that play for free keeping your hand empty for freeholders that can also lock your opponent down and block sleuths. I fail to see your logic.
Also, dash isn't legal for his tournament.
Edited by NosillocDidn't realize Dash wasn't legal. I thought he just didn't have the pack.
So my logic was
-2x Utinni's that will be trust me'd
-4x Jawas this will most likely bounced back to your hand giving Dash 4 free damage (or more with his objectives)
All I did was make one recommendation on your decklist, didn't know you'd be so prickly about it.
Dash isn't legal in Australia apparently. Didn't mean to be so snarky. Let me rephrase,
In my opinion two Jawas are essential to the deck seeing it turns on the Weequays. Without dash in the environment they are safer, hence I posted a different deck for if he was legal- this is an old deck list of mine. Seeing only freeholders would be legal the Jawas are safe seeing they would still be in play. They are also good to throw one at a nun opposed objective to throw out a focus and a damage.