Storm of Chaos

By Tiny Ogre, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone,

I'm Elliots Last Gasp, I have made a few adventures incluiding all the kit I am making a new series called 'Storm of Chaos' I have done 2 Quests so far out of what will become 25. Check the site for Details they will be under WoD + Custom, Date it and they will be near the top. The future ones will also be appearing here. If you have any ideas what future Quests could have I am all ears and will fit as much as possible in.

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I took a peek at the two quests you've got out there so far. Looks like you've put a lot of thought into this! How did you decide that you would have 25 parts to it? Will Tomb of Ice come into play?

Also, as a suggestion, you should check your spelling. :)

It's nice to see some quests that use the expansions.

Thanks for looking, I am going to be putting all the Tomb of Ice monsters and items in the series the hardest thing is getting in the the templates as you basically have to leave gaps in the map for them. I am trying to get in as much as possible. I am posting another advert for 'Storm of Chaos' yet this time saying what would people like to see in the campaign.

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I really liked your quests. Keep up the good work (plus spellcheck!). If you keep that creativity up, your series is going to be awesome.

Yes. Very good work on the quests. I like the fact that you use a lot of tokens and I also like the creative ways you use them. I feel they are usually used too rarely in quests. I also think you should get someone to do some proofing for you (you'll get help from most participants on this forum if you ask )

But keep up the good work. I'll look forward to your next dungeon :)

Where exactly are the quests located? I couldn´t find them in the FFG fan quest collection.

They are in the WoD + Custom Section.

Obviously I am too stupid today to understand what you mean by that. Is this on the FFG site (searched around a bit, found nothing)? What do you mean by "section"???

If you scroll the fan quest database list down far enough, you get to sections. There is one for WoD and one for WoD + Custom. The other 3 expansions don't count. ;)

Found it, thanks! I had sorted by date before but nothing new showed up - in the first section.

Quickly looked over the quests: Nice work, interesting ideas! Keep it on!

Hi everyone

I understand you are having a problem with the spelling issue, I have got someone lined up for the job now and will get quests proofed before posting them. I am also thinking of making a site with all the quests on it, which I will set the link up for in the Forums for all to use.

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What about the next gusts? :) Don´t let the storm fade yet !

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long wait but this has not been the easiest quest to engineer the next ones will be coming in much faster I hope you enjoy the new quests I have got lots of the new map peices in this one I hope you enjoy. The Quest is called Shattering Glacier and is under WoD+Custom it is the 4th Quest in the Storm of Chaos series.

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Hi All,

I know I loaded Shattering Glacier up only yesterday but I have completed the 5th Quest today it is called The Naga's Library and is under WoD+Custom

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These all look very interesting - keep it up!

As you asked for ideas for upcoming quests: Somewhere else in this forum someone mentioned as a monster upgrade that monsters could transform themselves into Chaos beasts under certain circumstances, like in a Cthulhu nightmare.

Probably worth a thought or two?

And in general the use of Prolonged Actions could be implemented more often, e.g. breaking the armored doors in Lvl 5 could have been done like that instead of attacking them.

Hi all,

I'm back and the 6th Quest in the series is up and it includes a teaser at Road to Legend monster levels take a look it's located in WoD+Custom like all the others and I should have the next one up soon. The Quest is called Factory of Old Terror

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