Nasir + Snitch + Blackguard

By strundle, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Took a glance through the archives, but I didn't see this addressed. Apologies if it's already been answered.

Nasir Meidan:

Whenever you encounter a piece of ice that was just rezzed, lose all credits in your credit pool. Gain credits equal to the rez cost of that ice.


Whenever you expose a card, the Corp must rez it by paying its rez cost, if able.

Once per run, you may expose an unrezzed piece of ice when you approach it. You may then jack out.

Nasir initiates a run, uses Snitch to expose a piece of ice. Blackguard then forces the corp to rez that ice.

a) I'm assuming if Nasir opts to jack out using Snitch, nothing else happens, because he did not encounter said ice.

b) If he chooses to continue, does his ID ability trigger? My inclination is that it does, but I suppose it depends a bit on what "just rezzed" means. It seems like Nasir was written with step 2.3 in mind, and Snitch is firing (I believe) at step 2.

Of course. You're force-rezzing the ICE in the same part of the run it would NORMALLY be rezzed in (the approach). The ICE being rezzed happened just before you encountered it in both cases. Is there a good argument why Nasir WOULDN'T trigger?

The same kind of nit-picking about "just" as is true about "after".

If you Snitch out, you do not 'encounter' the ice and do not have to lose/gain creds. If you continue, you must as you are encountering the ice that was just rezzed. If you jack out and run on that server again, that ice no longer affects Nasir... you may also use the Snitch again on other unrezzed ice. Wash. Rince. Repeat.

Of course. You're force-rezzing the ICE in the same part of the run it would NORMALLY be rezzed in (the approach). The ICE being rezzed happened just before you encountered it in both cases. Is there a good argument why Nasir WOULDN'T trigger?

Not exactly. Ice is normally rezzed at 2.3; you're force rezzing it in 2. That is all part of the approach, sure, but it's not the same timing. For example, against any ice except for the outermost on a particular server, you could opt not to use Snitch's jackout ability and you'd still have another paid ability window at 2.1 (if you wanted to, say, spend some BP credits) before choosing to jackout normally (note: this distinction has nothing particular to do with Nasir; I'm just pointing out that the timing is, in fact, different than normally rezzed ice).

Again, my hunch is that the ice still counts as "just rezzed" for Nasir's purpose, but there is some interpretation here since the timing is different. I was hoping for an official reply, but I know FFG doesn't like to rule on these things until the cards are actually printed.

I was hoping for an official reply, but I know FFG doesn't like to rule on these things until the cards are actually printed.

They also won't answer in the forum; you'll need to send in via the rules form (or try Twitter, which seems to be getting faster responses these days).

Nasir's text ability fires as a "When Encountered" effect, and Snitch causes you to jack out before the Encounter step. This isn't even a particularly complex interaction.

For about three seconds I thought "ooh, Snitchguard Nasir that could be cool mitigation of his downside" but then I realized that's a lot of expensive influence heavy tech to pack in a deck to that would, at best, be not as good as Kate. Snitch on its own might be a worthy splash, but not Blackguard.

I STILL can't figure out what Nasir's hook is going to be. I took a stab at it with PW and Recurring credits, but man, it was inconsistent. Pop Up Windows and Paper Walls and Ice Walls were very popular, and they suck. (Hmm, I have thoughts on this now that we're a few more cards past his initial spoiling...)

Nasir's text ability fires as a "When Encountered" effect, and Snitch causes you to jack out before the Encounter step. This isn't even a particularly complex interaction.

Snitch lets you jackout, yes, but it doesn't force you to. That's why case a) seems pretty cut and dried to me. Case b) is a different story and depends a lot on what "just rezzed" means. Snitchguard is causing a rez at an earlier window than "normal." It occurs to me now that something like Raymond Flint + Blackguard opens up some other timing windows (2.1, 2.3 *after* the corp declines to rez, 3.1 an encounter with a different ice, etc.) that need to be considered.

For about three seconds I thought "ooh, Snitchguard Nasir that could be cool mitigation of his downside" but then I realized that's a lot of expensive influence heavy tech to pack in a deck to that would, at best, be not as good as Kate. Snitch on its own might be a worthy splash, but not Blackguard.

Honestly, Snitch seems almost like an auto-include in Nasir to me, but perhaps I'm just not ready to embrace his gambler's spirit. I don't think Snitchguard is all that strong in general (11 credits is a hefty install, especially when in a lot of matchups you'd be better off using that 11 credits more directly in a vamp); the only reason this question came up is because I was thinking about Snitch in Nasir, and if you're already running Snitch it seems like it's worth at least giving a thought to Blackguard. The upcoming hardware tutor means that including one copy of a console is feasible, and Nasir may be in a unique position to actually get Blackguard out since he'll need to burn credits on PW with some regularity.

I STILL can't figure out what Nasir's hook is going to be. I took a stab at it with PW and Recurring credits, but man, it was inconsistent. Pop Up Windows and Paper Walls and Ice Walls were very popular, and they suck. (Hmm, I have thoughts on this now that we're a few more cards past his initial spoiling...)

I think Cache might help him out, too, although that's even more influence spent. At least Pawnshop is in-faction, which makes Cache a much more desirable play...

Things Nasir will enjoy:

Recurring credits.

Anything that increases Rez cost (not additional costs, but actual modifiers like Rook and Xanadu).

Breakers that keep boosted strength for run duration (Gordian, Battering Ram, Pipeline).

Cards that let you manipulate how you use the ID (Snitch; Recon).

I don't know that you'll use all of these in the same deck, but there's plenty of interesting ideas floating about. In fact, Recon only just occurred to me - does the Corp rez an ICE like Tsurugi or Komainu; knowing you can jack out with a ton of creds, or do they let you through? (Best used with an Expose before you run so you don't waste it on a pop-up).