LibrariaNPCs Freighter Creation Thread

By LibrariaNPC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Maybe something utterly mundane and forgettable, like the Action IV transport,

Hmm. A little smaller than the Action VI, but not by that much. Still Silhouette 5, I’d say.

However, there’s not much information about it known at

or something FROM THE FUTURE like the Horizon-class yacht.

Hmm. That looks nice at

And close enough to the existing SoroSuub Luxury 3000 Space Yacht that it shouldn’t be too hard to do.

I'd say something like the Imperial Hunter, but seeing as you have nothing but a picture to work with, that just seems mean somehow.

Lots of room for exploration, though. ;)

I figure a shotgun approach is a good choice. Maybe by randomly throwing stuff out there I'll hit something not taboo.


And I swear up and down I don't remember the Corona being so big.

Do you remember it being a replacement for the Nebulon-B? That would be a hint…. ;)

The Corona-class armed frigate was Hondo's ship. The big flying saucer. I didn't remember it being so large, but it's apparently almost 400 meters in diameter.

The Corona-class armed frigate was Hondo's ship. The big flying saucer. I didn't remember it being so large, but it's apparently almost 400 meters in diameter.

Ahh, the thing at which has a confusing very similar name. ;)

Edited by bradknowles

First off, I love my MonCal ships, and I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a few more to stat. Not sure if I'll find anything with my limited time, though.

I'll add the Horizon to the docket, because that looks like fun. I'll see if I can sketch something out during dinner (three people called out, so that's debatable). Shouldn't be hard since it's basically an upgraded/upscaled Luxury 3000.

Hondo's ship is surely more capital ship, so that's out.

I like the looks of the YV-100, and took a stab at starting it up a month or 2 ago. I'd be interested to see your take on it.

I found the notes I made as I was unpacking after moving. Since this isn't my thread I don't want to step on anyone's toes by posting up my ideas, but if you friendly folks want me to share I can.

I like the looks of the YV-100, and took a stab at starting it up a month or 2 ago. I'd be interested to see your take on it.

I found the notes I made as I was unpacking after moving. Since this isn't my thread I don't want to step on anyone's toes by posting up my ideas, but if you friendly folks want me to share I can.

Feel free to share! It won't be the first time, nor will it be the last time, someone shares their ideas for a ship in a thread. It leads to some fun discussions and everyone leaves with a ship they are more comfortable with (that's what happened with the Nu-class shuttle, actually).

What I've worked up so far (long-winded treatise describing how I arrived there to follow):

Era: rise of the Empire

Hull type: Freighter

Ship Class: YV-100

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: X3 main, X12 backup

Navcomp: equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: 3 (1 pilot, 1 co-pilot/gunner, 1 loadmaster/gunner)

Encumbrance Capacity 140:

Passenger Capacity: 10

Consumables: 6 months

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 cr./?

Customization Hard Points: 2

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: -1

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold:22

System Threshold: 14


2 Light Laser Cannons (Front arc; damage 5; crit 3; close range; linked 1)

2 Light Blasters (Turret- front, port, starboard; damage 4, crit 4; close range, link 1)

*Hard to Spot: +1 Setback die to attempts to detect this ship beyond close range if running at speed 2 or slower.

So, the easy stuff first: Hyperdrive ratings, consumables, passengers, and crew complement were simple copying from the source material available to me. I made a few assumptions regarding individual roles for the crew complement to add some flavor. Weapons were just a matter of adding values and qualities from the core rules to the systems listed.

The stuff that took a little more effort: I decided on Silhouette 4 because the YV-100 didn't seem significantly more bulky than its YT-series cousins despite the greater length from the forward cockpit arrangement. Sensor range (short) and Handling (-1) were simple decisions based on the average performance of similar ships and nothing in the article that points to the YV being better or worse than them. I settled on 2 Hard Points as it is noted as lacking the modular design of the YTs, but there should still be some room to tinker. I chose the Encumbrance Capacity by comparing the listed metric tonnage for cargo to published numbers for other ships from older sources, and cross-referencing those ships to their Encumbrance according to FFG materials. Values for Speed, Armor, Defense, Hull Trauma and System Strain were selected to fit in the range of typical similar ships in a way that balanced out and made sense to me. "Well built and hardy, but unremarkable" according to the source material.

I have not decided on a Rarity value, but it seems like it should fall reasonably in the middle of that spectrum.

Something that caught my eye and set me to thinking was a mention that YV-100s were able to enter systems "quietly and undetected." This led me to add the "Hard to Spot" quality, not quite a full on stealth system but perhaps a nice edge for a canny smuggler who can keep the throttle from bouncing off the stops.

Feel free to comment and critique.

Note that the YT-1300 is listed as being able to carry up to 100 tons of cargo in Wookieepedia, while the YV-100 can carry 150. For the YT-1300, FFG translated 100 tons of cargo as 165 Encumbrance — this was noted by LibrariaNPC in the first post in this thread.

Since you’ve got the same roughly circular section for the area I presume would include the cargo holds, I would think you might use the same ratio. So, the YV-100 might be able to carry 245-250 Encumbrance worth.

I would also be inclined to drop the Hull Threshold and the Strain Threshold by one or two points, boost the cost a bit, and make it Rarity 6 or 7.

This way, it would definitely not be as good as a fighter as the YT-1300, or have as many options for modifications, but it would carry a good deal more cargo and passengers, and would be useful in that role.

IMO, YMMV, etc….

Digging through my notes a bit further I see where I noted that it was rated for the same metric tonnage capacity as the YT-2400 and I seem to have chosen the same encumbrance rating as it while completely missing my notes about encumbrance ratings of the YT-1300 and 1200. I think it should be revisited definitely. Maybe not quite as high as 250 (thinking perhaps the high passenger capacity limits some of the volume despite high lifting capacity).

Looking at HT and SS, I noted to myself that it shouldn't be as tough as a YT-2400, but since the article referred to it as "well built and hardy" I was aiming for tougher than a YT-1210 and close to a 1300. I think I set it at the same HT and 1 lower SS than a 1300, but there is room for tweaking there too. Maybe lower HT but keep a relatively high SS to represent that "hardy" comment.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm gonna think on this one a bit more.

I actually took a different approach with some similarities and a few differences. I wrote this up during scattered breaks and didn't return here to the forum until I was done so I could create it in a vaccuum and compare ideas.


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Transport

Ship Class: YV-100 Light Freighter

Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 3 (Backup Class 12)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot; Gunner/Engineer

Encumbrance Capacity: 250 (150 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 10

Consumables: 6 months

Cost/Rarity: 150,000 credits (50,000 used)/6

Customization Hard Points: 3

Silhouette: 4

Speed: 3

Handling: -0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 24

System Threshold: 16


2 Cockpit mounted Laser Cannons ( Fire Arc Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Dorsal Mounted Twin Blaster Cannon Turret (Fire Arc: Turret*; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

Special : Add 2 Setback dice and raise any modification costs by 10% when modifying this ship due to a lack of modularity.

Notes/Reasoning : First, the ship is marked as being able to carry 150 tons, yet is also marked as 150 cubic meters. This makes it a bit unreliable, but as the shape is similar to a YT-series, I went with the high end of 250 ENC. I can see an argument to go higher or lower, but I went with tonnage instead of shape (because you can argue either side there).

Second, pilots often claimed that the YV-100 could outperform the YT-1300, and the fluff denotes that it was more durable. I raised the Hull/System Thresholds by 1 compared to the YT-1300 to denote this. As the ship isn't as modular (see below), I can see the systems being more stable, thus the one higher SS.

Third, I disagree that the ship is "hard to detect." If anything, I think it's "hard to detect" nature had nothing to do with the design, but everything to do with it being a rather generic, smaller freighter that could easily have reasons to pop in and out of a system (thus why it was used for missions; generic freighters seldom get a second look).

Instead, I noted that the fluff states the ship "lacked modularity," and anyone who was converting it often has difficulty and had to pay more. With that in mind, I reduced the hardpoints to 3 (about half of the YT-1300), but raised the cost and difficulty of the process to denote this.

Fourth, the cost is from Wookiepedia, so I'm leaving it as-is (as all of my ships have been priced there). It makes it more expensive than the YT-1300, but is only a hair better and has a few disadvantages to make up for it (stock weapon problems).

Next up is the Horizon. Just need to type it (scrap paper is my friend).

Edited by LibrariaNPC


Ship Class: YV-110 Light Freighter

Uh, is this supposed to be the YV-100, or the YV-110? ;)


Ship Class: YV-110 Light Freighter

Uh, is this supposed to be the YV-100, or the YV-110? ;)

Fixed, thanks! I used my template from the YU-410 when I type it up. At least I changed the letter!

Edited by LibrariaNPC

Horizon-class Star Yacht

Era: New Republic

Hull type: Personal Luxury Yacht

Ship Class: Horizon -class Star Yacht

Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Backup Class 10)*

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Medium

Ship's Complement: Pilot, Co-Pilot/Astromech (Ideally includes Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, and Astromech).

Encumbrance Capacity: 165 (100 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 5

Consumables: 2 months

Cost/Rarity: 270,000 credits/8

Customization Hard Points: 4 (two are “equipment pods” on the wings)

Silhouette: 5

Speed: 3

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1/1/1

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 28

System Threshold: 16



Complement: One Shuttle or Starfighter (maximum Silhouette 4)

Note : This is one of those ships where Encumbrance is odd. The current encumbrance is set for the standard 100 tons, but due to the size of the ship, it might be much more. A part of me wants to double it due to the size, but since the focus is luxury (and there’s space for a shuttle), I’m okay with it as is.

The Hull/System (and most of the other stats) are between the Luxury 3000 and the Starwind Pleasure Yacht, as it seemed to be a good balancing point between a smaller and a larger yacht (especially since it’s a SoroSuub, and a scaled up version of the Luxury Yacht, that first one is a good relation point). As fluff denotes the engines are small but have more power, I can see the ship being comparable to the Luxury 3000.

*The image on Wookieepedia, and most of the entry, were specific to the Jade Shadow. As SoroSuub luxury ships are traditionally unarmed, I left this one as such.


I actually took a different approach with some similarities and a few differences. I wrote this up during scattered breaks and didn't return here to the forum until I was done so I could create it in a vaccuum and compare ideas.

Notes/Reasoning : First, the ship is marked as being able to carry 150 tons, yet is also marked as 150 cubic meters. This makes it a bit unreliable, but as the shape is similar to a YT-series, I went with the high end of 250 ENC. I can see an argument to go higher or lower, but I went with tonnage instead of shape (because you can argue either side there).

Second, pilots often claimed that the YV-100 could outperform the YT-1300, and the fluff denotes that it was more durable. I raised the Hull/System Thresholds by 1 compared to the YT-1300 to denote this. As the ship isn't as modular (see below), I can see the systems being more stable, thus the one higher SS.

Third, I disagree that the ship is "hard to detect." If anything, I think it's "hard to detect" nature had nothing to do with the design, but everything to do with it being a rather generic, smaller freighter that could easily have reasons to pop in and out of a system (thus why it was used for missions; generic freighters seldom get a second look).

Instead, I noted that the fluff states the ship "lacked modularity," and anyone who was converting it often has difficulty and had to pay more. With that in mind, I reduced the hardpoints to 3 (about half of the YT-1300), but raised the cost and difficulty of the process to denote this.

Fourth, the cost is from Wookiepedia, so I'm leaving it as-is (as all of my ships have been priced there). It makes it more expensive than the YT-1300, but is only a hair better and has a few disadvantages to make up for it (stock weapon problems).

Next up is the Horizon. Just need to type it (scrap paper is my friend).

Well reasoned, balanced, and nicely done. I have to admit if I was running a campaign and my players wanted a YV-100 I'd be more likely to use your stats than mine at this point. Thank you!

I actually took a different approach with some similarities and a few differences. I wrote this up during scattered breaks and didn't return here to the forum until I was done so I could create it in a vaccuum and compare ideas.

Notes/Reasoning : First, the ship is marked as being able to carry 150 tons, yet is also marked as 150 cubic meters. This makes it a bit unreliable, but as the shape is similar to a YT-series, I went with the high end of 250 ENC. I can see an argument to go higher or lower, but I went with tonnage instead of shape (because you can argue either side there).

Second, pilots often claimed that the YV-100 could outperform the YT-1300, and the fluff denotes that it was more durable. I raised the Hull/System Thresholds by 1 compared to the YT-1300 to denote this. As the ship isn't as modular (see below), I can see the systems being more stable, thus the one higher SS.

Third, I disagree that the ship is "hard to detect." If anything, I think it's "hard to detect" nature had nothing to do with the design, but everything to do with it being a rather generic, smaller freighter that could easily have reasons to pop in and out of a system (thus why it was used for missions; generic freighters seldom get a second look).

Instead, I noted that the fluff states the ship "lacked modularity," and anyone who was converting it often has difficulty and had to pay more. With that in mind, I reduced the hardpoints to 3 (about half of the YT-1300), but raised the cost and difficulty of the process to denote this.

Fourth, the cost is from Wookiepedia, so I'm leaving it as-is (as all of my ships have been priced there). It makes it more expensive than the YT-1300, but is only a hair better and has a few disadvantages to make up for it (stock weapon problems).

Next up is the Horizon. Just need to type it (scrap paper is my friend).

Well reasoned, balanced, and nicely done. I have to admit if I was running a campaign and my players wanted a YV-100 I'd be more likely to use your stats than mine at this point. Thank you!

Thanks! The only part I'm still waffling on is the hard points. A part of me wants to leave it at three, but another part of me wants to raise it to 4 (as most ships from CEC have plenty of openings). If you use it in game, let me know how it pans out and whether or not it needs that fourth Hard Point!

Will do!

Any other requests outside of the Firefly?

The Action IV is an option, but I feel it's just a minor tweak from the Action V that we already have in EotE. I'll try to look at it a bit more when I have my Starships of the Galaxy and EotE in hand at the same time.

Surely a lot to look at! I'll take a look at them in detail after I get these job apps finished (job hunting, woo) and pull for my displays (work responsibilities, woo).