LoR Intro Quest - Ruinous Whispers

By SolennelBern, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quick question about this quest...how can the Heroes pull this one off? We played this one tonight, I was the Overlord against a party of 4 Heroes.

At first the Heroes were doing great until I started to move the captive towards the exit. My master Goblins were the principal carriers and moved the captive swiftly. Even though the Heroes downed the carrier, I was able to pick it up quickly and continue toward the exit. I also was able to defeat a Hero on my turn, sometimes two.

Other other thing, the quest lasted for over 2 hours...too long for what it is...

So, what did the Heroes should have done to grab the win on this one?

I've won this as heroes, it requires a little finesse. We just charged in and used some careful use of abilities and heroic feats to deal with the first couple salvos of attacks and then just destroyed the goblins. The villagers and scamper make turtle tactics pretty much useless, so you have to take the fight directly to them. Deaths aren't a huge deal, and once a few of them are off the map the damage gets much less ridiculous.

Edited by Whitewing

I'll propose my brother to redo the quest next session just to see how it'll go after playing it through once.

BTW during the quest I downed each Hero at least once so I got 4 Threat tokens, plus 1 after playing a Rumor card featuring a quest. Plus I destroyed the Sun's Fury to gain another 3 Threat. I bought the Summon Ariad (3) and Tainted Blood (1) plot cards which leaves me with 3 Threat tokens for later use. I also choose the Infector path for my first class and got the Contaminated card with my first XP. I think he's in for a world of pain unfortunately :P

FYI, my bother chose Reynhart/Knight, Roganna/Wildlander, Augur/Disciple and Leoric/Geomancer. I must admit it's quite a cool group to see in action. Augur is quite powerful as is Leoric with their auras.

We'll see how it goes for the nest quests but what is starting to weight heavy on my borther's shoulders is that he never won a game as Overlord or Hero since we started playing...and I hope he'll take that desperation and use it to fuel his Heroes :P

Edited by SolennelBern

Roganna makes the quest much easier, as you can charge out into the middle on the first turn (or second) and just pop her heroic feat to force all the archers to either do no damage (in which case you can clear them out next turn) or to come into melee, which makes it a lot easier.

It's a decent group overall.

I don't think her power was used during the quest but Augur and Reynhart used theirs...

Not that it would have changed the outcome but it sure would have helped.

Not using Roganna's heroic feat is a huge mistake on that map, for that encounter specifically, it might be one of the best heroic feats there is in the entire game. You literally force every enemy to either do no damage or come into melee and get squished the next turn. It allows you to then, the next turn, charge the goblins and start ganking them left and right. Minion archers usually die in one hit and the witchers die easily too and do less damage. She's a huge boon on that map, shame they misplayed that hard.

The best overlord strategy is to stay at range with all goblins doing damage from range to weaken the heroes and pick them off, using villagers to force them out from cover. Eventually you'll have them all dead or near death. Meanwhile, you stack overlord cards and once you've got a few dash cards or blinding speeds, you make a break for it. Roganna's heroic feat lets the group charge out into the middle very early, take little to no damage (or force the goblins to give up their range advantage), and lets you pressure them early before they can start whittling you down, and lets you keep them from inching forwards to make the grab. It also gets you away from the villagers early so they aren't an issue. You can't blockade them anyway because of scamper.

Edited by Whitewing

Oh yes I recall he used the power. It forced me to come into range, whici I did, but I guess his bad luck and my good ended with very few goblins hurt and a couple of Heroes damaged.

I agree though, this power is really good.

My heroes tried to block the way to the exit, still I was able to move them out of the way. I don't think I killed a single one of them although that might be because my goblins focused on pushing the carrier on along a chain of Goblins.

My heroes tried to block the way to the exit, still I was able to move them out of the way. I don't think I killed a single one of them although that might be because my goblins focused on pushing the carrier on along a chain of Goblins.

I played this map as heroes not too long ago, and that's how the OL won- passing the captive along using a line of goblins to help- damage had nothing to do with it.

Edited by Zaltyre

LOL...what a newb error I made on the very first quest Ruinous Whispers...

I used the Act II monsters instead of Act I...

**** that was a stupid mistake hhahahaha...now I can see why the Heroes had a hard time killing goblins...

LOL...what a newb error I made on the very first quest Ruinous Whispers...

I used the Act II monsters instead of Act I...

**** that was a stupid mistake hhahahaha...now I can see why the Heroes had a hard time killing goblins...

ROFL, that'll do it.