Need feedback on first non casual deck

By SmartCookie, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy


I just recently got into playing this competetively after having played is casually for some time.

I have played my first DS custom deck a few times and would like some feedback from you experienced players. Here it is:

Imperial Navy
  • The General's Imperative x2 (Navy)
  • Unstoppable Advance x2 (Navy)
  • The Dark Trooper Project x1 (Navy)
  • The Endor Gambit x1 (Navy)
  • Sabotage in the Snow x1 (Neutral)
  • The Emperor's Web x1 (Sith)
  • Vader's Fist x2 (Sith)

What exactly is the strategy here? I'm not exactly certain how to give feedback without knowing what your deck is built to do.

One thing that does concern me...

1 Emperor Palpatine

1 Emperor's Royal Guards

1 Force Lightning

2 501st Legion

4 501st Trooper

Nine cards in your deck are locked behind requiring you to have one of your three Sith Objectives. Do you frequently find yourself unable to play some of your cards?

I would either lose the Sith stuff or modify your sets to switch your affiliation to Sith. This will require removal of Unstoppable Advance.

Your commetns where very valid as I have tweaked the deck since posting. Here is the new one with the how to...

Affiliation: Sith

2x The Endor Gambit (Navy)
2x The General's Imperative (Navy)
1x Sabotage in the Snow (Neutral)
2x Vader's Fist (Sith)
2x The Dark Trooper Project (Navy)
1x Agent of the Emperor (Sith)
The basic strategy is to deploy troops and AT-STs to have quite a few unit damage as well as blast damage for teh conter attack to advance the Death Star Dial if needed.
The Dark Troopers and Mara Jade are great for getting the Force and the other characters (Veers, Mohc), the Forward Command Post, the AT-ST Commander, and the E-Web Heavy Blaster are great to get additional unit damage and blast damage.
Possible tweaks:
I'd like to have another Agent of the Emperor objective set in the deck but I don't know what to remove to add it.

If you do want a second copy of Agent of the Emperor, remove Sabotage in the Snow, as that way you aren't increasing the odds of drawing zero Navy objectives at the beginning of the game.

Another option is to remove Agent of the Emperor entirely, replacing it with either Take Them Prisoner ( Troopers and Trooper Assault) or Imperial Command ( Troopers and Admiral Motti). I ran this at Regionals and it performed well.

I actually swapped out Imperial Command for Agent of the Emperor. I felt the deck needed a Force push (pun intended) and with Mara and the Shadow Guards added to the Dark troopers' froce powers it is quite good at keeping the Force now.

If you are looking to swap out Sabotage, I would suggest Repair and Refurbish. Two resource units and Thunderflare, and the objective is great for reactivating your Fist and Imperative objectives.