Terrinoth RPG

By ffgfan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

And what do You all Descent and Runebopund Fans think of making a Roleplaying System based on the World of Terrinoth?

I would love to see something like this. Just like the Anima:Beyond Fantasy RPG or the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay series.

We could use the element from Descent to make labirynths for the RPG ald the maps from Runebound to better lead our heros throu the world. We could use all the elements from these games and use them in the RPG system when playing.

Well already doing that now in fact. Using some homebrew stuff D&D 4.0 fits pretty good with Terrinoth. It is a rich setting with a lot of potential if you're willing to shoe in a lot considering that the developers haven't fully fleshed out the background. Currently the game is in Riverwatch, and the party is hunting down some Beastman and Kobolds. But I would be most pleased if Fantasy Flight Games would create a Terrinoth RPG of some kind, perferably with a good workable system that keeps some of the feel of the board game.

Darkfire14 said:

Well already doing that now in fact. Using some homebrew stuff D&D 4.0 fits pretty good with Terrinoth. It is a rich setting with a lot of potential if you're willing to shoe in a lot considering that the developers haven't fully fleshed out the background. Currently the game is in Riverwatch, and the party is hunting down some Beastman and Kobolds. But I would be most pleased if Fantasy Flight Games would create a Terrinoth RPG of some kind, perferably with a good workable system that keeps some of the feel of the board game.

I wouldn't mind seeing some of the homebrew stuff you've come up with, if you have it in a form that can be shared =)

The Homebrew stuff is plentiful and mainly rattling around in my head rather than on paper. In the end all the races from the PHB 1 and 2 are there and a few new non-player races. In addition due to the fact that the game hasen't covered what lands are east of Central Terrinoth. To the North is Isheim (The Frozen Wastes), West is the Cerridor Sea (Island of Dread) and to the south Al-Kalim (Sands of Al-Kalim). The east lies the savage Wildlands, a region of untamed wilderness full of numerous monsterous races (Such as Beastmen and Kobolds, but also Goblinoids and most other creatures out of the board game). Here are the racial backgrounds for the races.

Humans: The most common civalized race in the world. Most of the known cities are ruled by humans with the exception of Forge and Dawnsmoor which are claimed by the Dwarves and Orcs respectively. Humans hold a great deal of influence in the world and have any disposition imaginable and a capability for both great good and ultimate evil. After the Dragon Wars, Humanity has become the formost power in the world

Orcs: The Orcs are a race that still holds strong to its savage ancestry. The orcs have always held a strong shamanistic and primal tradition and for many generations have been a warlike species, battling for survival in a world full of many dangers. Once seen by humanity as yet another beast plague on the world, this began to change after the comming of the Dragon War. The Orcs and Humans put aside their differences to unite aginst a greater threat to their ways of life and fought side by side aginst the Dragonlords and their minions. After the war, the Orcs and Humans gained a mutual respect for one another, the humans. Humans taught the Orcs many things and the Orcs have become more civalized since then, using what they learned from the humans to better their lives. While Orcs still hold rather lose morals they are allies of humanity. Orcs travel freely in human society and vice versa and while there is still Orc Bandits and Maraders, they represent only a small portion of the population.

Half-Orcs: Half-Orcs are the result of crossbreeding between Orcs and Humans. Half-Orcs tend to me somewhat more intelligent than their Orc ancestors, but not as brawny. While uncommon that such unions occur, they do happen and often times a Half-Orc must learn to balance their lives between Orc and Human society, where cultures may clash constantly.

Shifters: The Shifters are a race that was born in the Frozen Lands of Isheim. In anchent times a number of humans tried to tap into the primal energies of the world in order to access great magical power. Accidents occured and a number of humans were infused with Primal Energies, changing their bodies into a race of beings with animal features. In time these "Shifters" crossbred with humans, their traits passing onto their offspring thus creating a new race of beings. Shifters are not an overly common race. They speak Beastongue, a language they adoped from the Beastmen as their own. In time some Shifters went further south, settling around in the region that frostgate now lies. In the southlands, the shifters are rarely seen, the few that are found there are travelers and traders. Unfornately their beastial features often has them mistaken as beastmen. Outside of Frostgate, they are subject to discrimination and often are not given the rights as citizens. it is often difficult for a shifter to claim their place within human society.

Goliath: The Goliath are a race of stout humanoids that make their lives in the Spires of Thunder mountain range, building their homes within the numerous cave systems that lie within those peaks. The Goliath have been a fairly neutral race, staying out of involvement in major conflicts and did not chose sides during the Dragon Wars. What few Goliths that leave their homelands are those wishing to partake in trade goods or take up the mantle of adventuring.

Halflings: Halfings are a race found in small pockets throughout the world. Two unrelated groups of Halflings exist. In Isheim, the Onoit, a shamnistic group of Halflings that live in harmony with nature and are well versed in primal magics. Then there is the Solen, halflings from the south that are more civalized and make their fortunes outside and within the free cities. Halflings like the Golith were neutral in the Dragon War, but now are allies of humanity, often given the protection from a number of outside threats by the good will of humanity.

Elves: The Elves are often known as the eldest of the lesser races, a race that were forerunners of the alliance during the Dragon Wars. But the Dragon Wars took its toll on Elven lives and thus the Elves seeking to protect the world, took up the responsiblity to watch over the Dragon Runes, invoking the Great Migration. Elves throughout the world migrated to the Wispering Wood, leaving the world they once inhabited to the humans. The Elves while maintaning a cordial frendship with Humanity, know well that the time of Elves is over and that it is humanity's time to rule. What few Elves are seen in the cities are traders and adventurers. In addition a branch of Elves, the Frost Elves in Isheim did not take part in the Great Migration and still maintain some old communities in the north and keep a good relationship with the Onoit and the Weik.

Half-Elves; Half-Elves are born of rare love affairs between elves and humans. As Elves do not interact with humans on a large degree, these rare unions occur often out of wedlock. Half-Elves are often accepted in the human cities but not so much by their Elven Ancestors who find them a taint on their racial purity. Thus a majority of Half-Elves concentrate on their human side, where they more confortably blend in.

Dwarves: The Dwarves are the rulers of the city of Forge which maintains a strong relationship with the free cities. Dwarven Craft items are said to be the best in the world and are in high demand thus making the city quite wealthy in its trade. Other than Forge, a number of Dwarven Communities exist in the mountians of the world. These strongholds are often self-sufficent and have few visitors from the outside. The Dwarves still have a strong bond with humanity however, forged during the age of the Dragon War and thus can be found in small pockets in a number of human communities.

Eladrin: The Eladrin are a race of Fey-beings that come from an alternate dimention, the Feywild. Very rare in Terrinoth, those few who come to the world come to explore its curious wonders, often taking up the matle of an adventurer or a trader of exotic goods. No permanent communities of Eladrin exist in Terrinoth itself and what few Eladrin are seen, live in the communities they settle. The Eladrin of course maintain a friendly relationship with the Elves.

Tieflings: Tieflings are a race of beings transformed by magical energies, much like the Shifters. Unlike the shifers though, the Tieflings were not born of Primal Magic, but instead of Infernal Energies. Tieflings have a tenedasy for evil and often serve as agents for malign entities and the dark gods. While not mistaken as beastmen like the Shifters, Tieflings are often treated with distrust due to their ovious demonic features. The largest community of Tieflings lies in the city of Nerkhall, where dark magic is a commonly seen practice and tieflings hold a number of promanent positions of power.

Dragonborn: The Dragonborn are a race of Draconic beings that were the living agents of the Dragonlords. The Dragonborn served and worshiped the Dragonlords like gods and when the Dragonlords marched to war, the Dragonborn were the army of these foul masters. In the Dragon War, great destruction was wrought by the Dragonborn on the world and their crimes well documented in the annuls of history. The Dragonborn suffered a crippling defeat in the Dragon War as despite their prowess could not stand aginst the alliance of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs. Their cities were razed to the ground, their armies felted and their numbers reduced to near extinction. Now the Dragonborn live only in small isolated communities, a majority still worshiping the fallen Dragonlords the Dark Goddess Tiamat. Dragonborn are mainly antagonists in Terrinoth. Only a few have chosen toworship Bahamut and turn toward a rightous path, but even then are not well liked in the human cities and are a rare sight.

Deva: The Deva are celestial beings, living servants of the Gods of Good who seek to influnce the course of the world. They are a rare sight, but are well beloved by those on the cause of good, but reviled by the forces of evil.

Gnomes: Gnomes are a diminutive race of humanoids once hailing from the Feywild but a number have migrated to the world in order to make a life for themselves. Seen as tricksters and pranksters, they proke their share of like and dislike wherever they go.