Stiring the Pot

By Drop Bear 2.0, in Dark Heresy

Ok for the past few weeks I've bean playing a Noble born Moriat, mostly in Solo games, I've pulled off some very impressive stealth kills, and started taking Trophies, tonight's game saw my character take out targets from my Vendetta house and I reclaimed a bunch of my characters family heirlooms, mostly just Bling. but among the stuff was a Best Quality Bolt Pistol, very fancy looking with her family crest and all that.

anyway I'm thinking of have my character carry the gun as just a piece of Bling. I know she can't use the thing except as a last resort (the price you pay for being a Moriat) and being only Rank 3 she can't get the talent except as an elite advance (whats the point it becomes available at next rank anyway, if she wasn't a Moriat), I think the GM expected me to hise it away in my trophy case, but I'm thinking of the Cool Factor as well as the stir it will cause flashing it about, telling my enemies "Yes I took a chunk out of your line of succession and stole back a bunch of stuff you where using to claim semi-secret barging rights for the last decade and a half"

Firstly, there's two 't's in Moritat

Secondly, what, if anything, are you asking?

Those things aside, I would pay the extra 50xp or whatever your GM demands, and pick up the Elite Advance ASAP. If your GM is the least bit nice he'll zero out the extra cost of the Elite Advance as a reward for good RP'ing. I mean, balance-wise we're talking a fairly crap weapon that your character isn't too likely to get a lot of mileage from. It is mostly ornamental.

Well I've got a Best Quality Mono-Sword, a couple of Best Quality Mono-Knives, I've got just about enough cash for my Best Quality Xenos Mesh & Best Quality Carapace Helmet combo (W/Camiloine & Heat Mask), he keeps going on about needing a Void Suit soon, if that happens and I've got the Cash I'll likely go Light Power Armor instead (not that I'll be likely to keep using the PA as part of my regular combat kit, it will be my "War Suit"). If I make my character capable of using the Bolt Pistol the GM will keep putting me in situations where I need to use it and those things are murder to keep feed, even for a Noble, I want a pair of Lathe Blades next after the Armor upgrade so I need to keep my costs down for the next good many months game time.

on the Points side I've got a bunch of regular Rank 3 advances to buy (just broke in to Rank 3) to fit my Stealth/Melee with a social edge killer stick.

should I actually carry it as an ornament wile in my noble persona, and if I do should I bother to keep it loaded, or am I just asking for trouble? further, if I should I end up with some stray XP in the future should I spend it on the Talent given if I'm capable of using it the GM will make me use it (as in put me in to situations where it's the least bad option)?

Don't wear it. As an assassin, a Moritat Reaper, that kind of hubris is just going to get you killed. I played a feudal world Moritat for a long time (up to R6) and the only non-throw ranged weapon i ever had was a hand crossbow that i poisoned the @#($% out of as a last resort. In public i usually carried nothing but a concealed, poisoned knife and disguised myself as a commoner for whatever region i was in. Being completely unnoticed in the open is valuable beyond words.

Though, since your character is a noble...i suppose wearing the pistol is a point of family pride, which is expected, and kind of one of the weaknesses of the noble mindset, so if you did it...i'd do it to get an enemy to expose themself to you. Like, wear it to make them angry and try something stupid. Though I wouldn't wear it everywhere.

Hmm... Bolt Pistol... If it's from your own house, take it with you, cause, hell, you're noble and bling and stuff. I mean, It's yours and if someone who steels it can't keep it, well, tough luck, compadre.

Oh and about the PA... make REALLY sure you know what you're getting into. In fact, a Best.Craftsmanship Carapace might have a better value for you, there should be a possibility to make it environmentally sealed (see Rogue Trader: "Hostile Acquisitions", p 62) since it'd leave you with more flexibility... and woe to you in a PA should the Power Suppy fail.

This might be simply me thinking that PA should really only be available to the most important of important people and those who deserve it (read as: Sisters of Battle, Space Marines and Inquisitors) and I as a GM regularly screw my players over for taking it with them by simply applying "Nope, no military Power Source, I roll 1D5 in secret and tell you when your power runs out...". Made PA a powerful, but very desperate solution to problems :)

And about keeping the Bolt Pistol loaded or not... totally try to do that, even if you'll only misuse the projectiles as a timed explosive to make some noise. No point in having a Bolt Pistol and the magazine being empty.

Yeah, best quality carapace is way better than a power armor, even a light one, for an assassin type. no sneak penalties, no hulking, no power supply.

PA is a Long way off (rank 5-6) unless I need a Void Suit, If I get it I'm going to have to be very careful to keep it out of play once I do get it.

I really want my Best Quality Stealthed Xeno-Mesh & 2nd Sword.

ATM I've got two firearms in play, a compact revolver, and a compact hunting rifle, both are used to place trackers at range, not to actually kill.

I'm running around half a dozen firm Identities ATM, my birth identity, a 2nd Noble, a Mid-Hab lower level manager, a Merc/Bounty Hunter/Troubleshooter, a low lever Adept and a Cleric. I'd only carry the Bolt Pistol when poising as my birth identity.

Well my Moritat has a pistol he carries as cover piece, there is some questions if he has ammo loaded in it or not.

I'm greatful to see you are operating with heavy covers. :) :)

That bolt pistol might also be useful as a Merc cover as well.

But no need to be skilled it use, and if you are to become, Reaper package could be harder to qualified for.

Let me also throw in the point no LPA, because of battery life and it not discrete. If you want high tech, might I suggest looking for something like 1 of these Spyrer suits after all you are noble.

Doing crazy, and sometimes stupid things, are always fun, assuming you do not have a giant Ahole for a DM. I would personally go for the idea, just be prepared to abandon it if need be.

Let me also throw in the point no LPA, because of battery life and it not discrete. If you want high tech, might I suggest looking for something like 1 of these Spyrer suits after all you are noble.

My GM threw some nobles at us who were wearing suits like that. We had no idea what it was. I thought it was some kind of xenos, honestly. We never even captured the thing and it terrorized us for about three game sessions. He never told us what it was, eventually we studied up and found out about them.

Creepy stuff.

actually I'm avoiding heavy combat options if I can, that's why I'm going to avoid the PA if I can, but If I'm going to go traipsing around a Space Hulk I want something with more suit integrity than a Skin Suit and wont encumber me like most of the protected suits.

last time I did a Heavy Combat Opp I spent the whole time dodging and made a total of three kills, I was about as useful as Marries on a Male Bovine, the Adept was more useful and had a bigger kill count.

She's not Anti-Tech, heck she was carrying more Tech than the Tech Priest she hooked up for a wile, but most of it is Stealth, Surveillance and Ctr-Security in nature, heck Ishe's not Anti-Gun, she uses them all the time, just not for her Killing.

the top of her wish list is a 2nd Best Quality Mono Blade, a Best Quality Carapace Helmet & Best Quality Xenos Mesh W/Camiloine & Heat Mask, approximate combined cost 6-7K, ATM I've got 5K & change and a pay day coming.

Yes...dual best quality mono-swords are pretty nice. Especially with the talent that adds damage to melee swings. And tearing with the moritat technique just makes it straight sexy.

Best quality mono-knives are good friends to have as well, but expensive to throw.

Best quality mono-knives are good friends to have as well, but expensive to throw.

cheaper then Lathe-Metal Throwing Knifes a character in my group had... never threw them though, but it was still pretty funny with him being (potentially) being able to throw a dozenthousand of thrones at our enemies... pretty much the Rogue Trader way of solving problems - throwing money at them till they disappear :lol:

But, yeah, Best Dual Swords with Tearing and Crushing Blow are pretty brutal.

How about this, a Lathe Blade Combat Knife Dam D5+5 Pen 3 +10WS then top that off with a Street Fighting & Crushing Blow Combo for an other +4 Dam. pair that with a Lathe Sword to do Parries and the occasional Dual Strike. That's my end game weapon combo. Who needs Power Swords? Ok I can see their uses but you haven't planed you fight right if you need them, if their bean used as a Tool you are losing style points for speed & showmanship.

Let me also throw in the point no LPA, because of battery life and it not discrete. If you want high tech, might I suggest looking for something like 1 of these Spyrer suits after all you are noble.

My GM threw some nobles at us who were wearing suits like that. We had no idea what it was. I thought it was some kind of xenos, honestly. We never even captured the thing and it terrorized us for about three game sessions. He never told us what it was, eventually we studied up and found out about them.

Creepy stuff.

I had a group years ago in a Necrumunda game. If properly played in the underhive with their advanced tech, I can see how your group could see them as a Xenos.

How about this, a Lathe Blade Combat Knife Dam D5+5 Pen 3 +10WS then top that off with a Street Fighting & Crushing Blow Combo for an other +4 Dam. pair that with a Lathe Sword to do Parries and the occasional Dual Strike. That's my end game weapon combo. Who needs Power Swords? Ok I can see their uses but you haven't planed you fight right if you need them, if their bean used as a Tool you are losing style points for speed & showmanship.

Good set up. Lathe blades are nasty. Never got my hands on them, though. Too expensive.

Yeah, i had to use my power sword (had a 2hander) to cut through a door or two in my time. My Moritat was disgusted with the idea...then he got Security and Demolitions. Never had to disgrace my power blade on a door again.

Even stopped bringing the power blade after a while. Mono-swords go go go.

Edited by Alrik Vas

ATM I'm pumping XP in to Two Weapon & Swift Attack, and have missed two acquisition rolls on getting a Best Quality Mono-Combat Knife. I may have to raid the Trophy case for my 2nd blade, I've got a Bolo Knife and a Death Kiss in there, neither are Mono, the Bolo doesn't suit my characters Image (although 2D5R Pen 2 is darn cool) and the Death Kiss has the "Primitive" quality.

I'm not familiar with what a Death Kiss is in this sense.

Opps, I meant Devils Kiss: Melee - D5 3 Fast,Primitive .3kg

If it's bladed, get the mono upgrade and negate the primitive trait.

It's in the trophy case, took it from one of the best knife-men that's come against me, don't want to disrespect the blade by modifying it, if they'd bean less skilled it would have gone in to the weapons locker and not bean an issue on modifying it, but it's in a shrine with tokens of my most challenging kills.