Don't Hassle the Hoth

By DB Draft, in X-Wing

The kit should have 3 Golan Turrets and 2 Dish Lasers. Occassionally these get knocked off the sprues. In some of my sets I also seem to have lost these. I might consider casting new ones with "green stuff". I am thinking of making some for a more moderate climate setting as well.

Well, looking more closely, I do have 2 of the dish parts, but only one base for them. That shouldn't be too difficult to cobble something together. All the detail is on the dish.

The set only comes with 1 AT-ST, right? That is too bad, I'd really like around 3 of those for each AT-AT, not the other way around.

Edited by Forgottenlore

Looking good I am currently working on the same thing using the old airfix battle of hoth and rebel base kits, along with micromachines action fleet AT AT's and micromachines AT ST's. I am trying to keep to the whole 6mm scale regarding troops and am searching the best fit troop types at the moment. How do I make the cards? they look very official I need to get hold of some of those. Loving the new infantry rules. I am putting on a participation game in July at the Baccus "joy of six" show , (x2) 12ft x 6ft tables representing Hoth and Endor so I'm going to be busy until then!

keep the pics coming :)

Any updates?

Well I do have some more models for a more warmer climate:

Missile Launcher Battery, Ion Cannon Turret Shapeways


Imperial Troop Transporters Micro Machines



Stormtrooper Scouts with AT-ST and AT-DP Micro Machines



Rebel Assault Shuttles Micro Machines


TIE Crawlers Custom Modified TIE Advanced Prototype


PS: This has nothing to do with the "Hoth Open" so I apologize if you searched for that term and found this...

Edited by DB Draft

TIE Crawlers Custom Modified TIE Advanced Prototype


You MONSTER!!! :)

Do you have your rule set online somewhere? Like could you link to a document so I can try a game using your rules? Because I have the Sam ATATs and ATSTs as you and after seeing the Rogue One trailer, I'm dieing for some ground combat!


We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of an exciting new fan-made expansion pack for X-Wing Miniatures, called X-Wing: Ground Assault! Like many players, we had a wish to create a system that introduced ground based units into the X-Wing core rules. We have tried to stay true to the X-Wing philosophy of "Easy to Learn, Difficult to Master" gameplay. Fly a squad of X-Wings against AT-AT Walkers, or defend the frontline with a platoon of infantry and turrets. These are some of the many possibilities included in Ground Assault.

Coming this summer we plan to release v0.1 of X-Wing: Ground Assault, you can expect to have a number of new units introduced such as Rebel Troopers, DF.9 Turrets, FD P-Tower Turrets, T-47 Snowspeeders, AT-AT and AT-ST Walkers and Imperial Snowtroopers. In addition to this is a number of custom components such as movement rulers, upgrade cards and unit cards. All of which you can print for yourself.

We are excited to launch and invite you to our website to learn more and join the community!

Stadl0r & DB Draft

PS: We do not wish to upset any plans that FFG may have for such a project and respect their rights to have the final say on this matter.

Do you have special rules for ground ships?

We are working on releasing the rules along with some new cards, pieces!


All of the models shown in this thread have special rules made for them so that they can be used alongside ships.

EDIT: Have set up a new topic for Ground Assault.

Edited by DB Draft

I recently saw a custom maneuver template for the snow speeder that would be a Speed 4 or 5 bank that allowed the speeder to perform a 180 degree turn (Crescent moon shape) in order to make efficient passes around an AT-AT. Can someone please direct me to that template.

Also, DB. I have so far spent around 150$ collecting models for this expansion.. so.. I'm excited :-)


Just bought the battle of Hoth action scene model kit... :D

A few steps in your direction, I'm following with great enthusiasm your idea !

Thanks again to Jabberwock for the two models, now I'm painting the walkers, AT-AT come first:


And a bit darker AT-ST:


I put all together to imagine how could be:


Do you like it ?


A few steps in your direction, I'm following with great enthusiasm your idea !

Thanks again to Jabberwock for the two models, now I'm painting the walkers, AT-AT come first:


And a bit darker AT-ST:


I put all together to imagine how could be:


Do you like it ?


What are you using for storm troopers ?

What are you using for storm troopers ?

Those are from Dropzone Commander - PHR Immortals set.

...they are really perfect, in my opinion.


Hi folks, I was inspired by Rogue One to start thinking about doing a ground battle with my X-Wing figures. I then found all this inspiration on this post.

As it happened I had re-fought the Battle of Hoth with two AMT sets a long time ago (seriously), but had picked up another set last year, so got painting and while not up to the visual standards or the excellent work on display here, I had great fun creating my own non-movie related scenario set in the wider Galactic Civil War. The game itself was a blast. Thanks for the inspiration!


While I would love to see a ground scale combat game in the same scale as Armada or X-wing, but that is hard since the OT only had 1 large scale ground battle. The Battle of Hoth. Endor was more of a commando raid.

now Rouge One did somewhat expand on it a little but there was little in terms of Rebel vehicles. Imperial Assault is too small scale anyone could agree.

You can set up Infantry similar to how they work in Empire At War, since they are in a squad already, you can have an ability called "Take Cover" which for x-wing explanation, would give them either a higher evasion, but you would need to lower the speed of the unit as trade off.

This is all really cool. I'll have to take a look at this. I have no access to get the Battle for Hoth set, so I'll have to try to find some other ways to get all the cool bits. I think I'm leaning towards 6mm minis. Would that be a problem with the rules?

Also, is this rule set specifically for Hoth? Or is it easily transferable to a generic battle?

I see on the website there are forums. I figure it might be best to head there. I'm wondering about the most affordable method to get stuff. I'm thinking 3D printed stuff for the walkers and turrets.

If you look at the download section of "X Wing Assault" then you will find printable units of infantry, turrets and walkers that you can try out. They have the advantage of being quick to test out and easy for ships to fly over. The rules are pretty generic for ground units and could easily be adapted to other environments. New units can easily be added for speeder bikes and jump pack troopers, even Ewok Gliders....

9 minutes ago, DB Draft said:

even Ewok Gliders....

Also known as "s k e e t"?

seriously? The censor has a problem with s k e e t?

Edited by Forgottenlore

Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration in this thread!

I was disappointed when legion was announced that it was not some game with larger more epic forces with smaller scale miniatures.

So me and a buddy are using a bit of the assault on hoth kit along with the new bandai 1-144 stuff and are making a big version of the old west end games assault on hoth board game. So that is another use for all your sweet hoth kits.

It's been a couple years since Stadl0r and DB Draft came out with the Ground Assault rules for X-Wing.

Is there another thread about this?

Are people enjoying the rules?

Are there new missions?

Any fixes in the future?

1 hour ago, patox said:

It's been a couple years since Stadl0r and DB Draft came out with the Ground Assault rules for X-Wing.

Is there another thread about this?

Are people enjoying the rules?

Are there new missions?

Any fixes in the future?
