Don't Hassle the Hoth

By DB Draft, in X-Wing

Wow, just wow! I've been wanting to do this ever since I started playing x-wing. Keep up the good work, I expect to see a battle report in the future!

That's awesome.

What are you using for maneuvers?

I'm curious what rules you have come up with for all the units. Have you made cards an dials?

I'm tempted to do something similar to this with the troops and turrets but buy the larger scale 1/144 F-Toys AT-ATs and AT-STs just so the look more like they did in the Rogue Squadron games where they looked huge even to X-wings and TIEs

Edited by Rob Jedi

Thanks, for the infantry I plan on using custom maneuver templates (just straight maneuvers at different lengths to the regular ones). As the bases are round they have full 360 degree movement. No maneuver dials will be needed (phew) as they will be able to move AFTER all other things like ships. This way they cannot intentionally block flying models. The AT-STs have a 90 degree front arc which shows their fire arc and will also be used for maneuvering. If a template is placed within this arc it can perform a faster maneuver, if their maneuver template is outside this arc (ie: they are backing up or sidestepping) their movement will be more limited.

For the AT-ATs I am experimenting with a template based on the Huge ship maneuver template. This will allow it to perform straight moves and turns up to 45 degrees.

I am now at the fun stage of playtesting ideas for combat. Infantry will really add a new dynamic to the rules. Just like their real life counterparts they need to be the most versatile units on the battlefield. Actual stats and rules are still a WIP. But some ideas for infantry include:

  • Infantry have perpetual focus. This basically means they have only one action: focus and therefore do not need a focus token to show their action. They do not need to spend their focus and can use it for multiple times in the same round for attack and defense. They cannot use it if they have a stress token however.
  • Infantry can attack as a unit. At the scale I am thinking about each infantry base represents a squad of 8 - 10 men. So a platoon will be made up of around 4 bases. They must work together and if each has an Attack value of 1 then they can combine their dice together to roll 4 Attack dice against the same target (range 1-2).
  • Infantry can make use of cover and terrain to improve their defensive qualities and if they do not shoot they will receive further defensive benefits. This is where tokens can be assigned to show their status: a focus token could represent "overwatch" and means the infantry cannot move this round but receive a bonus defense die. If an evade token is placed next to them it will mean they cannot move or shoot as they are "keeping their heads down". They will receive an extra defense die and the evade token will cancel one hit per attack (like a Huge ship reinforce action).

So I am hoping to do away with needing maneuver dials and all that will be required will be cards showing basic stats for different unit types.

Pretty awesome stuff, good work.

Looking forward to seeing the finals pics of everything all together.

Everything is pretty well complete now:

Shield Generator made from the diorama in the kit (yes I know it only has three rings) by casting with modelling clay:


A couple of homemade pieces made from wire and green stuff (Probe Droid and Wampa):



A view from the battlefield:


Edited by DB Draft

Awesome! Amazing work!

Just been playing around with a cool card generator so I thought I would share:


The 4 crew slots on the upgrade bar are meant to represent how many infantry bases or teams it can transport. It has an Armor rating instead of Shields. The imagery for this card and the icons were kindly provided by JayRhea with permission.

Also looking at a custom maneuver template for the AT-AT. As I have rated it a Huge model it needs a Huge maneuver template in the style of the Huge ships with a 30 degree turn ability. It is color coded for simplicity (the turn is a white maneuver):



I'm liking what I'm seeing here! Really it is becoming a new set of rules with FFG XWing as a guide! Wonderful!

When it comes time for play testing, let us know! ;)

This looks amazing, I would be for this. Star Wars Dropzone Commander/Warhammer? Yes please

Guess the cards...


You might try to find one of the old MPC Empire Strikes Back AT-AT model kits. It also came with two snowspeeders and two of the anti-infantry turrets. The snowspeeders are much closer if not exactly to scale with it. It looks like from the pictures that AMT might of reused the old snowspeeder from that MPC AT-AT kit. But it's hard to tell. The MPC AT-AT is about 8 or 9 inches tall and it has the correct foot pads.

One bad thing about that kit, the AT-AT head was connected with a rubber band. Easy enough to glue it in place, but it was nice to be able to move it around. Mine broke a few years ago. Not too bad, I built it probably in 1987 lol.

This is positively inspired! :D The amount of detail on those tiny special characters is particularly impressive. This makes me think I should dig through my Micro Machines again and see how many of those AT-STs I have....

Spoiler for the Infantry Upgrades:


Spoiler for the Infantry Upgrades:


Nice work!

Just been playing around with a cool card generator so I thought I would share:


You have an Armor rating of two, but...

tumblr_nthhqiQGff1sov1ino1_500.gif That Armor's Too strong for blaseters!

Good spotting there. My Armor rules normally negate a number of hits per attack so a Snowspeeder with an Attack of 2 cannot beat an Armor of 2.... unless it is at range 1 and is now Attack 3..... or rolls multiple criticals that can penetrate Armor.

Ordnance hits (bombs, torpedoes or missiles) ignore Armor, so these become highly useful in attacking ground installations and walkers. Then there are special attacks like ionization (ignores armor) and tow cables.

My rules also cover diffferent classes of combat as well. Stormtrooper infantry actually have an Armor rating of 1. This of course will only negate a hit if caused by an enemy infantry team.... anything larger will ignore their armor completely.


Infantry Upgrades Revealed in Stealth mode :ph34r:

Medium Repeating Blaster (Rebel Weapon) : Upgrades an infantry team to Attack 2 (normally Attack 1). If infantry team moves then uses attack 1 instead.

Heavy Repeating Blaster (Imperial Weapon): Upgrades an infantry team to Attack 3 (normally Attack 1). Cannot be used if team moves.

Sharpshooters: Platoon can reroll one Attack die at range 2. Any critical result adds a suppression hit.

Assault Troops : Platoon can reroll one Attack die in Close Combat. They can also reroll one die in the Rally Phase (to recover from suppression).

Recon Troops: Platoon may reroll one Defense die if shot at. After they have moved they may use an evade token.

Heavy Weapons Platoon: The upgrade bar for this Platoon gains an extra "Weapon" icon.

Edited by DB Draft

He's still alive! Now he can tell us what the infantry upgrades he spoiled do.

Amazing work :)

Hi, only seen this thread: this is totally inspiring stuff. I have 3 of the AMT sets, but have not wargamed with them in years, I did not realise the X-Wing game models were compatible but seeing this I just measured FFG X-wing against the AMT X-wings and they are. So now I am itching to set up an Imperial ground-assault supported by TIE fighters and opposed by X & Y-Wings. Amazing paint jobs and very good rule ideas. Hope you have a blast playing the battle.

I have been working on this same project for about a year now and using the same scale models. I have to ask though where did you get the defensive turrets for the rebels? I can't find them anywhere. I would assume they are micro machines from the galoob line?

BTW.. It looks great...

All of the Rebel turrets come from the AMT/ERTL "Battle of Hoth" set, along with the snowspeeders and infantry. It is an awesome set and I have actually now bought 5 of them! The AT-STs are the only micromachine models.

Wow - FFG take note of this

I just checked mine and the model kit only seems to come with one of the radar dish guns. Is my kit missing some?