Don't Hassle the Hoth

By DB Draft, in X-Wing

Here is a start on a new modelling project using plastic kits of the "Battle of Hoth" from AMT/ERTL. These appear to be at a compatible scale with X wing. I bought multiple kits to get enough of everything. First up are two groups of T-47 Snowspeeders:



Drilling a hole in these small craft allows them to easily fit on the standard flight base.

WInter is coming... Blizzard Force!

The AT-STs from the kit are not very accurate or to scale so I went with the Micro Machine version that does look much better.


The kit's AT-ATs are pretty good despite the static pose and the lack of feet flanges.




Movement rules for ground units is still a WIP, but possibly the AT-ATs could use a similar concept to the Huge ships with a customized turning template.

Best part of ALL the movies: The Battle for Hoth.

Can't wait to read more

The AT-ATs are FAR from the right scale. Actually, the big Ertl kit is closer to the right scale compared to the snowspeeders. Regardless, I love what you've done so far! I look forward to seeing a battle with these. :)

The AT-ATs are FAR from the right scale. Actually, the big Ertl kit is closer to the right scale compared to the snowspeeders. Regardless, I love what you've done so far! I look forward to seeing a battle with these. :)

That's AMT/ERTL's fault, the scale of everything is a bit wacked in that diorama kit. I have the same one sitting waiting for me to paint up. I kind of think the Action Fleet AT-ATs might be a good scale if you can find them.

DB iI look forward to seeing how this project goes. Will you be doing up al, the turrets as well?

Yes I plan to do up all the defensive weapon platforms and infantry. The thing I like most about this set is that it includes all of these components. You could always represent some things with markers but 3D models really do enhance the game for me.

Now all you need are some decals to personalize those units..

Looking good though. Should be good terrain for a Hoth battle...

This looks AWESOME! Can't wait to see more!

The next batch of models are ready:

Golan DF.9 anti-infantry laser turrets


Atgar 1.4 FD P-Towers




Nice! I really like the subtle blues in both the turret and dish pieces. Definitely lends a certain coldness to the models.

Maybe I should call it a BRRRRRRRR...illant finish? :wub:

Maybe I should call it a BRRRRRRRR...illant finish? :wub:

nIce one...

The ATAT's don't look that out of scale. I recall one stomping on Lukes speeder and the feet look about the right size to do that. :)

Amazing work!

I want this...

Frigging awesome, thanks for sharing your pics.

and I'm drooling. Awesome stuff! you are doing an outstanding job here! =)

Thanks everyone, next up is quite alot of infantry plus some Tauntaun riders. I am also working on a new model, I wonder what it could be?


Edited by DB Draft

Is it Kermit the frog? I know muppets are involved in the movie *Laughs*

This looks amazing! Kudos on your work

Snowspeeders in 1/270 would be 1.96 cm long, or .78 inches. Do you know what these are at? Just curious.

AT-ATs would be 3.28 inches tall, or 8.33 cm.

AT-STs would be 1.25 inches, or 3.19 cm

For me .. this is porn. Well done sir!

I recall that kit form my younger years. How many did you buy? Also, if memory serves me correctly, you might be able to convert the x-wings (their s-foils are down yeah?) into Z-95s if you so desired.

Yes .. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you have done!

I bought 3 sets of "Battle of Hoth Action Scene" which supplied the AT-ATs and all the infantry and defensive weapons. It had one AT-ST per set so had to get the Micro Machine version to have enough and it looks much better. I also have the "Rebel Base" set which has a transport and MF. Both sets have the snowspeeders. I guess there is no need for Z-95 conversions as we will all get these available soon.

Model dimensions:

Snowspeeder length: 2.5cm (1")

AT-AT height: 10cm (4")

AT-ST height 4cm (1.5")

So in general they are a larger scale but the relative scale is pretty good. Infantry models are larger still at 1cm (3/8") but do not look too much out of place as each "man" might represent several actual crew.

Very nice job! We've done similar but not quite as large scale project and used micromachines ATST's and Titanium AT-AT's. Infantry was done with Epic 40K Guardsmen at 6mm scale.

Just finished the infantry models:






Now, how are you going to get enough dials for all those miniatures? :D


Though what are all the named characters doing standing around for?! Don't they realize there's an evacuation in progress!? Lives are on the line!