Couple of thoughts: Most ships do not engage in "active augury" unless they suspect there is a reason to do so.
My understanding is that a ship normally underway is automatically detected (I would assume without the use of active augury.) Basically just like you can "see" a person who is not hiding.
Most ships will not have their Master of Etherics on the console unless they are at battle stations or at least yellow alert (Whatever you choose to call it.) This means that a ship with crack crew can only detect a silent vessel approximately 30% of the time and THEN only if they have a reason to suspect the ship is there! This means our cobra class escort, well played, Might sneak in to 10 VU's from it's target and unleash it's torpedoes with no warning to the target ship! This can potentially ruin even a cruiser's day! Of course after that, the Cobra will be using thos wonderfully fast engines to get the hell back out of a larger ships range!
As to detection: Even most modern submarines are detected once they launch a weapon. The launch transient on most torpedo tubes is easily detectable and the high pitched whine of the Torpedoes engine is something every Sonarman is taught to recognise! Newer systems can mitigate this somewhat but much of that is classified (Still!).