Can the corp show a card from HQ to the runner voluntarily?

By mishari26, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Basically for mind games, like show him a Junebug, then play Mushin No Shin..

might be a Junebug, might be an agenda?

No. Nothing in the game allows you to just give away hidden information. Feel free to TELL them you have a Junebug in HQ, but if you want him to SEE it you want cards like Celebrity Gift.

EDIT: I say you can tell him you have one, because you can CLAIM to have any card in-hand to try and help you bluff. You just aren't allowed to prove it.

Edited by CommissarFeesh

I tried finding this in the main rules and/or FAQ didn't find anything, can you please point me in the right direction?


The reason you didn't find anything is because the rules tell you what you CAN do. The rules also don't tell me I can't look at a card without an Expose effect, or look at your cards as you draw them from R&D.

If you want a rulebook that tells you all the things you CAN'T do, you'll be reading forever.

Edited by CommissarFeesh

The rules don't say I *can't* go through your deck and set every copy of Account Siphon on fire with a cigarette lighter, more's the pity.