Still new to SW here, and in that "I'm going to find a way to make the fringe stuff work." For a while that was Navy, and now it's the true fringe and everyone favorite whipping boy, Scum.
I've tried a few approaches with limited success. A lot of this, obviously, seems to be related to the utility of capturing cards. On paper and in an ideal setup, it looks pretty sweet. The reality rarely holds up.
So I'm starting to shift away from the idea of getting any benefit from capturing. The combos are just too hard to pull off, and too unreliable. If it happens, it happens, but I'm not considering it as a benefit. Instead, I'm starting to look at capturing as a highly disruptive mechanic with the sole purpose of taking cards away from your opponent.
I've found this takes pressure off sets that might otherwise be pretty average - like Carbonite Transport - and lets you focus on things that are good in themselves, like tricky ways to capture strongly-stacked characters.