psychic field + house of knives

By tauntdragoon, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

can you one shot a runner with psychic field and house of knives if they run on it or does the run end after the damage from psychic field

house of knives says can only be done during a run

and psychic say when accesses or exposes it secret bet creds if different do net damage to runner eqaul to cards in grip

According to the timing structure of a run, the run does not end until Step 5, and the effect from a Psychic Field happens during Step 4.5, so I don't see why not.

Edited by Wh0isTh3D0ct0r

According to the timing structure of a run, the run does not end until Step 5, and the effect from a Psychic Field happens during Step 4.5, so I don't see why not.

The ability on House of Knives is a paid ability, so no, it cannot be used after access because there are no opportunities to use paid abilities post-access, as far as I know.

I stand corrected.

However, if the Runner were to use a paid ability like Raymond Flint during the run ( [trash]: Expose 1 card) and ends up exposing a Psychic Field (in any remote server) and you successfully deal the net damage, then you could use a power counter from a House of Knives to finish off the Runner immediately.

An unlikely but legal situation.

...a more feasible scenario would be if the Runner loses all of his or her cards during an encounter with a Komainu. Then in Step 4.1, before the Runner has a chance to jack out (Step 4.2), the Corp can use a power counter from House of Knives to immediately win the game.

I think that Net Shield, Deus X, and Feedback Filter are going to see a lot more use now. Up to this point, I have rarely seen any of them.