Answer from customer service on the sculpts and other cards

By danman71, in DungeonQuest Revised Edition

From: Customer Service []
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Fantasy Flight Games [user Support] - General Fantasy Flight: 4/30/2014 12:10:14 AM

Hi Dan,

Thank you for your interest in Fantasy Flight Games! In the newest version of DungeonQuest, there will not be pieces from any other game included, and the plastic sculpts are the same as in the first one. For more information on what has been updated in the Revised Edition, please see this website:

Thanks and happy gaming!

Nick Husted
Fantasy Flight Games Customer Service Team

Good to know, thanks for the info!

Boo...I lost my Brightblaze token :(

EDIT: Found it!! *phew*

Edited by Artaterxes

Boo...I lost my Brightblaze token :(

I'm thinking there will probably be one with the new Challara if/when she gets included in one of the rehash packs. If you play D2E, that is. And you're willing to buy rehash packs :P

I do play D2E but I will always like D1E better :)

I guess that means no extra hero-cards for runewars either. would be great if there would be another way to get those (*cough* maybe a POD expansion for runewars with herocards for the D2E heroes? :) )

I guess that means no extra hero-cards for runewars either. would be great if there would be another way to get those (*cough* maybe a POD expansion for runewars with herocards for the D2E heroes? :) )

If you just want out of print promo items.

For the Runebound cards I have an extra set for sale on ebay. Auction 111357838240

I have the Descent cards on Auction 111357832373

Brightblaze 111357835867

I am keeping the Runewars cards

Edited by danman71