soar imbalance !

By Svarun2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Last night was my first encounter with Soar. I too was thoroughly confused about how it worked. I don't believe I'll be playing with soaring creatures blocking movement.... that just makes no sense. I will however demand that no figures stop movement beneath a soaring creature. That would just get too complicated.

I'm not sure I understand how the LoS works for a soaring creature. Can the creature see 'over' trees? Or is the creature supposed to play by the same rules as if he was on the ground?

To the best of knowledge, I haven't seen anything about LOS and Soar so I would have to assume that the same rules apply as if it were on the ground. This will only really come into play versus ranged/magic attacks where you already have to add 4 range to the attack unless you decide to swoop in for some reason.

The thematic reason I see for soaring creatures blocking movement is similar to the bloodsquids in the water. If the hero lets his guard down to run directly under the razorwing, it will be able to swoop down and kill him.

If you want to still have heroes go under it, I'd say let the soaring creature get a free attack with +4 damage and daze 2. Note that if the hero puts down a dodge order, he could dodge this attack.

Big Remy said:

To the best of knowledge, I haven't seen anything about LOS and Soar so I would have to assume that the same rules apply as if it were on the ground. This will only really come into play versus ranged/magic attacks where you already have to add 4 range to the attack unless you decide to swoop in for some reason.


The main problem for most people with Soar, is that it really is quite simple. A Soaring monster is treated exactly the same as a non-soaring monster in all respects except 2 (well, 3, though the third is really part of the second);
i) attacking - range to or from a soaring monster is increased by 4 and melee attacks are not possible
ii) terrain - a soaring monster ignores terrain, getting neither benefit (shadowcloak from trees) for penalty (movement, mostly)
iia) enemy figures are also ignored for movement purposes by soaring monsters (the same as fly, which all soar-ers automatically have anyway.

Most 'confusion' is caused by people looking for something more that isn't there rules wise. Or the thematic displacement of not being able to hit a monster with your fist when you can't move through it. However, the rules are exceptionally simple really, especially compared to what they could have been.

And for those who want to nerf Soar? Then the OL should be able to nerf something else back!
Soaring monsters are a strength for some avatars who are otherwise weaker than other Avatars.
Get over it.
Prepare your party, give the tanks backup breath/blast weapons, invest in Acrobat, whatever. Just don't sulk because you weren't prepared for the OL's bag of tricks.

Corbon said:

Just don't sulk because you weren't prepared for the OL's bag of tricks.

After all if you lose it may not be because the OL cheated or that the rules are not balanced, it may just be because you got outplayed.

It isn't my fault you suck at this game.