Has anyone ever wondered why there are no psychic abilities related to teleportation?
Is it just me?
DH Psychic Ability Teleportation!???
The Eldar have them, the Webway, which essentially opens a short range rip in the Warp allowing the person to step from location A to location B.
One of their units, the Warp Spider use it extensively, but once in a while they don't appear in location B as "Things in the Warp" get them for a snack.
The Eldar are cautious about such things due to the high probability of things going wrong.
Even the Technologic versions rip a hole in the warp, but in a less Rippy kind of way, and again in older rules sets of 40k teleportaton could often go awry.
You could always have an NPC that can do it, and offer to teach people how to do it, at the cost of Corruption & Insanity...
What about Call Item (DH) or Space Slip (DotDG)?
Has anyone ever wondered why there are no psychic abilities related to teleportation?
I'll wonder about it when there is no teleportation ability in Ascension and the Inquisitor-level book. For acolytes, it would be a pretty powerful ability.
Okay, seriously guys, Space Slip!
It allows a psyker to teleport somewhere between 1-12 meters away. Granted, that's not far, but it is only a minor power and it is in Dark Heresy.
Velvetears said:
The Eldar have them, the Webway, which essentially opens a short range rip in the Warp allowing the person to step from location A to location B.
Not quite. The Webway is an artificial labyrinthine dimension of tunnels and passageways that allow individuals, armies and starships to travel across the galaxy quickly. Most races "sail" across the Warp... the Eldar built roads on it.
Velvetears said:
The Eldar are cautious about such things due to the high probability of things going wrong.
That's short-ranged teleportation, yes. It's also technological, rather than psychic (though, admittedly, Eldar technology is psychic, so it could be considered both). It's not the Webway, however.
Graver said:
Okay, seriously guys, Space Slip!
It allows a psyker to teleport somewhere between 1-12 meters away. Granted, that's not far, but it is only a minor power and it is in Dark Heresy.
That's what I was looking for.