2014 Regionals results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

I won it, with the following list:


5 AP

1 Scimitar + Assault

list of the second place:

3 BH

Awesome, thanks! If you can ask around and see if anyone knows the rest of the squads that would be fantastic.

I won it, with the following list:


5 AP

1 Scimitar + Assault

list of the second place:

3 BH

Awesome, thanks! If you can ask around and see if anyone knows the rest of the squads that would be fantastic.

6 AP



Luke + DTF +R2-D2


2 Rookie


Han + EH + Engine U. + Gunner

2 Rookie

Thats all i can remember.

Edited by TK4334


6 AP


Thanks, I'll mark that one as 7 Academy Pilots plus Dark Curse, I assume that's what you meant.

Absolutely, sorry it was late.

Absolutely, sorry it was late.

No worries at all, it wasn't late at all, it was just a few days ago! :) I haven't heard back via email from the Tournament Organizer, so could you post on that thread again, and ask if anyone knows the #4, #6, and #8 (tied for 7th) squads?


Congratulations on your win by the way!

6th place:

Howlrunner + Swarm Tactics + Stealth Device

Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit

Black Sq. Pilot + Draw Their Fire

Obsidian Sq. Pilor

2x Academy Pilot

4th place:

Kir Kanos + Shield Upgrade + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE


2x Academy Pilot

Scimitar + Proton Torpedo + Cluster Missile + Hull Upgrade

Thank you, I'm very happy about that. :)

Edited by TK4334

6th place:

Howlrunner + Swarm Tactics + Stealth Device

Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit

Black Sq. Pilot + Draw Their Fire

Obsidian Sq. Pilor

2x Academy Pilot

4th place:

Kir Kanos + Shield Upgrade + Hull Upgrade + Royal Guard TIE


2x Academy Pilot

Scimitar + Proton Torpedo + Cluster Missile + Hull Upgrade

Thank you, I'm very happy about that. :)

That fourth place squad sure is creative.

Hey, is this Kanos' first appearance?

Hey, is this Kanos' first appearance?

He came 12th out of 20 at Odense, first in the top 4 for sure.

Hey, is this Kanos' first appearance?

Yup, its the first time that Kir Kanos has come in the Final Cut, or in this case, the Top Third (4 out of 19, cutoff is 6 and above for my tracking purposes).

Edited by MajorJuggler

And I'd like to add that he performed very well against me.

I just checked the threads by "most viewed", this thread is pretty popular already, it just moved into the #20 spot, ahead of the 25 page thread on "Fixing the TIE Advanced".

We're only at week 5 out of 13, but it was front-loaded from weeks 1 and 3. As of week 5, we are through 25 out of 56 tournaments.

Just add a few :

Strasbourg, France

May 25, 2014


Attendance: 31

Final Cut: Top 8


  • Winner: 2x Bounty Hunter + Seismic Charges; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader
  • 2nd place: 3x Bounty Hunters
  • Top 4: Howlrunner ; 4x Obsidian Sq. Pilot; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader + Gunner
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Expert Handling + Gunner; 2x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
  • Top 8: Biggs; 3x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
  • Top 8: 4x Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit
  • Top 8: Bounty Hunter ; Omicron Group Pilot ; Backstabber ; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + ? ; Turr Phennir + ? ; TIE Interceptor (pilot ?) + ?

Hi guys, with MajorJuggler's permission I've compiled the data he has collected and tried to make it navigable through a series of webpages. Just started coding yesterday so everything is still very primitive but take a look and would love some feedback. Almost everything that's orange or blue is a link btw so poke around :)


Just add a few :
Strasbourg, France
May 25, 2014
Attendance: 31
Final Cut: Top 8
  • Winner: 2x Bounty Hunter + Seismic Charges; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader
  • 2nd place: 3x Bounty Hunters
  • Top 4: Howlrunner ; 4x Obsidian Sq. Pilot; Omicron Group Pilot + Vader + Gunner
  • Top 4: Chewbacca + Millennium Falcon + Expert Handling + Gunner; 2x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
  • Top 8: Biggs; 3x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
  • Top 8: 4x Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit
  • Top 8: Bounty Hunter ; Omicron Group Pilot ; Backstabber ; Soontir Fel + Push the Limit
  • Top 8: Soontir Fel + ? ; Turr Phennir + ? ; TIE Interceptor (pilot ?) + ?

Got it, thanks. So we just need details on that last Interceptor squad to have everything wrapped up from that Tournament.

I also updated the statistics through week 5, and included a few new categories:

  • General named vs non named point breakdown
  • base attack dice
  • base defense dice

Imperials spend just over one third of all points on named pilots, but Rebels are spending over half their points on named pilots!

Statistics through Week 5 (last updated June 6)

For the statistics below, I am counting ALL of the squads that made the Final Cut, OR made it into the Top Third numerically. Everything is based on the number of points spent, and I use a weighted average of:

squad weighting = (event attendance) / (squad placement)

Tournament Winners
Imperials 71.64%
Rebels 28.36%
Final Cut + Top Third
Imperials 59.02%
Rebels 40.98%
Turret points 11.77%
Rebel turret points 28.37%
Initiative bid
100 points 75.62%
99 points 16.06%
98 points 2.82%
97 points 1.41%
96 points 1.72%
incomplete data: 2.36%
PS bid (Swarm Tactics, Roark not included)
Mean PS 4.38
PS1 20.17%
PS2 16.24%
PS3 8.59%
PS4 11.03%
PS5 9.21%
PS6 8.92%
PS7 5.62%
PS8 10.81%
PS9 9.41%
PS10 0.53%
PS11 0.00%
General Point Distribution
top 3 ships 61.19%
Top 6 ships 91.79%
bottom 3 ships 1.02%
Overall ship usage
  1. TIE Fighter 32.55%
  2. X-wing 14.99%
  3. TIE Interceptor 13.65%
  4. B-wing 13.02%
  5. YT-1300 10.21%
  6. Firespray 7.37%
  7. Lambda Shuttle 3.18%
  8. Y-wing 2.25%
  9. TIE Bomber 1.76%
  10. A-wing 0.35%
  11. HWK-290 0.67%
  12. TIE Advanced 0.00%
Named / Non-named statistics
Non-named ship points 56.9%
Named ship points (all) 43.1%
Named ship points (Pilots 1-4) 19.5%
% of Imperial points spent on named pilots 37.1%
% of Rebel points spent on named pilots 51.6%
Base attack dice
3 attack ships 62.42%
2 attack ships 36.92%
1 attack ships 0.67%
Base defense dice
3 defense ships 46.55%
2 defense ships 24.79%
1 defense ships 28.66%
Non-named ships + named YT-1300 (normalized, adds to 100%)
  1. TIE Fighter 28.71%
  2. B-wing 19.06%
  3. YT-1300 (named) 14.66%
  4. TIE Interceptor 12.49%
  5. Firespray 7.66%
  6. X-wing 7.44%
  7. Lambda Shuttle 3.89%
  8. TIE Bomber 2.45%
  9. Y-wing 2.23%
  10. YT-1300 (ORS) 0.66%
  11. A-wing 0.53%
  12. HWK-290 0.23%
  13. TIE Advanced 0.00%
Named pilot usage (not normalized)
  1. Howlrunner 7.580%
  2. Chewbacca 5.012%
  3. Wedge Antilles 3.653%
  4. Biggs Darklighter 3.245%
  5. Han Solo 2.631%
  6. Soontir Fel 2.347%
  7. Backstabber 2.164%
  8. Lando Calrissian 2.125%
  9. Carnor Jax 1.915%
  10. Mauler Mithel 1.878%
  11. Dark Curse 1.611%
  12. Krassis Trelix 1.489%
  13. Tarn Mison 1.055%
  14. Luke Skywalker 0.920%
  15. Garven Dreis 0.808%
  16. "Dutch" Vander 0.764%
  17. Tetran Cowell 0.643%
  18. Kath Scarlet 0.610%
  19. Colonel Jendon 0.435%
  20. Roark Garnet 0.396%
  21. Wes Janson 0.270%
  22. Ibitsam 0.218%
  23. Turr Phennir 0.216%
  24. Boba Fett 0.165%
  25. Captain Yorr 0.156%
  26. Lieutenant Lorrir 0.132%
  27. Captain Jonus 0.126%
  28. Winged Gundark 0.122%
  29. Ten Numb 0.099%
  30. "Hobbie" Klivian 0.085%
  31. Jan Ors 0.079%
  32. Kir Kanos 0.068%
  33. Night Beast 0.067%
  34. Kyle Katarn 0.038%
  35. Major Rhymer 0.000%
  36. "Fel's Wrath" 0.000%
  37. Tycho Celchu 0.000%
  38. Arvel Crynyd 0.000%
  39. Jek Porkins 0.000%
  40. Captain Kagi 0.000%
  41. Darth Vader 0.000%
  42. Maarek Steele 0.000%
  43. Horton Salm 0.000%
Points Spent on Upgrades 7.84%
Upgrade point breakdown (% normalized as a portion of upgrade points spent)
System Upgrades 14.67%
Advanced Sensors 9.27%
Fire-Control Sytems 4.86%
Sensor Jammer 0.54%
Modifications 15.78%
Advanced Cloaking Device 0.00%
Anti-Pursuit Lasers 1.63%
Engine Upgrade 3.09%
Hull Upgrade 2.54%
Shield Upgrade 2.65%
Stealth Device 3.80%
Stygium Cloaking Device 0.00%
Munitions Failsafe 0.00%
Targeting Computer 2.07%
Cannons 7.16%
Autoblaster 0.17%
Heavy Laser Cannon 6.69%
Ion Cannon 0.30%
Turrets 5.70%
Blaster Turret 0.65%
Ion Cannon Turret 5.05%
Torpedoes 0.25%
Advanced Proton Torpedoes 0.00%
Flechette Torpedoe 0.00%
Proton Torpedoes 0.25%
Missiles 2.36%
Assault Missiles 2.00%
Cluster Missiles 0.11%
Concussion Missiles 0.26%
Homing Missiles 0.00%
Bombs 2.93%
Proton Bombs 0.27%
Proximity Mines 0.15%
Seismic Charges 2.52%
Titles 0.91%
Millenium Falcon 0.73%
Moldy Crow 0.18%
Slave 1 0.00%
ST-321 0.00%
Droids 4.83%
R2 0.54%
R2-D2 3.12%
R2-D6 0.00%
R2-F2 0.38%
R3-A2 0.23%
R5 0.04%
R5-D8 0.00%
R5-K6 0.40%
R5-P9 0.13%
R7 0.00%
R7-T1 0.00%
Crew 18.54%
C3P0 0.00%
Chewbacca 0.28%
Darth Vader 2.02%
Luke Skywalker 0.23%
Flight Instructor 0.00%
Gunner 9.18%
Intelligence Agent 0.17%
Mercenary Copilot 0.00%
Navigator 0.11%
Nien Nunb 0.68%
R2-D2 0.00%
Rebel Captive 1.02%
Recon Specialist 4.87%
Saboteur 0.00%
Weapons Engineer 0.00%
Elite Pilot Talents 26.87%
Adrenaline Rush 0.13%
Daredevil 0.11%
Deadeye 0.05%
Determination 0.95%
Draw Their Fire 1.61%
Elusiveness 0.04%
Expert Handling 0.79%
Expose 0.00%
Marksmanship 0.35%
Opportunist 0.66%
Outmaneuver 0.00%
Predator 0.00%
Push the Limit 10.20%
Swarm Tactics 9.70%
Squad Leader 0.55%
Veteran Instincts 1.73%
Wingman 0.00%
Edited by MajorJuggler

You da man Major, excellent data to peruse. I am sure FFG read these forums so I figure they are quite interested with your reports as well :) .

Also, going back to May 24: Burlingame, CA, USA. Kublacon. I played a top 8 game against a list running: Soontir+PTL, Howlrunner+stealth+squad lead?, scimitar+conc missile+seismic, 2 AP. If you want to add to the list, that's the only one I could remember in full. There was another top 8 game to my side with Chewy+2 XWs (biggs/wedge from my vague memory), but no clue on the upgrades though. Maybe if someone remembers they can chime in since it looks like you haven't gotten the lists from the organizers.

Edited by Texx

Awesome stats. Thanks for the compilation and analysis. Nice presentation makes it easy to find data too.

Awesome stats. Thanks for the compilation and analysis. Nice presentation makes it easy to find data too.

what HE sad.

Awesome... I got some time to breath and glad to see this is still running strong. Good data here... good info here for FFG... great info for anyone looking at playing competitively at this stage of the game.




I wonder how drastically this might change if Wave 4 is allowed in the remaining Regionals. The thought of a rebel swarm with assault missiles might drop the rate of tie swarm appearances.

I know I mentioned this before, but continue to be fascinated by the Tie Interceptor numbers, especially as they increased their distance (slightly) from the B-Wing. It's not a surprise that they are still solid, but it IS a surprise that they continue to be the third most used ship.

The two things that were supposed to be the hard counter to the in the Transport Expansion (flechette and R3-A2) aren't seeing much use, or at least aren't making it to the top tables. Which, I think, is the point some of us were trying to make with the "wait and see" approach. Those two cards aren't good enough all around, at least so far, to get enough use to actually threaten interceptors, or maybe they're not even really the hard counter to them that people expected.

Either way, it'll be interesting to see if that changes as the long regional season continues.

Edited by AlexW

Also, going back to May 24: Burlingame, CA, USA. Kublacon. I played a top 8 game against a list running: Soontir+PTL, Howlrunner+stealth+squad lead?, scimitar+conc missile+seismic, 2 AP. If you want to add to the list, that's the only one I could remember in full. There was another top 8 game to my side with Chewy+2 XWs (biggs/wedge from my vague memory), but no clue on the upgrades though. Maybe if someone remembers they can chime in since it looks like you haven't gotten the lists from the organizers.

Was this before or after the cut? The top 8 I posted earlier was the results from after 6 rounds of Swiss (at which point they handed out prizes). I don't recall either of those two lists in the top 8 cut.

That first list you describe sounds like Drew's list; I believe he placed 10th at Swiss, but because I (8th) and another player (6th place, Chewie + 2xBlues) opted out of the top 8 bracket, he got to play at the quarterfinals.

I wonder how drastically this might change if Wave 4 is allowed in the remaining Regionals. The thought of a rebel swarm with assault missiles might drop the rate of tie swarm appearances.

Ooh, that would be cool to see. I'd like to see graphs of ship usage over time.

Geordan, I only remember these two lists playing in the post swiss competition. So I'm not sureif they were top 8 or top 16 from the swiss cutoff. I think the first list was possibly Drew, but I can't be sure.

You da man Major, excellent data to peruse. I am sure FFG read these forums so I figure they are quite interested with your reports as well :) .

Also, going back to May 24: Burlingame, CA, USA. Kublacon. I played a top 8 game against a list running: Soontir+PTL, Howlrunner+stealth+squad lead?, scimitar+conc missile+seismic, 2 AP. If you want to add to the list, that's the only one I could remember in full. There was another top 8 game to my side with Chewy+2 XWs (biggs/wedge from my vague memory), but no clue on the upgrades though. Maybe if someone remembers they can chime in since it looks like you haven't gotten the lists from the organizers.

Also, going back to May 24: Burlingame, CA, USA. Kublacon. I played a top 8 game against a list running: Soontir+PTL, Howlrunner+stealth+squad lead?, scimitar+conc missile+seismic, 2 AP. If you want to add to the list, that's the only one I could remember in full. There was another top 8 game to my side with Chewy+2 XWs (biggs/wedge from my vague memory), but no clue on the upgrades though. Maybe if someone remembers they can chime in since it looks like you haven't gotten the lists from the organizers.

Was this before or after the cut? The top 8 I posted earlier was the results from after 6 rounds of Swiss (at which point they handed out prizes). I don't recall either of those two lists in the top 8 cut.

That first list you describe sounds like Drew's list; I believe he placed 10th at Swiss, but because I (8th) and another player (6th place, Chewie + 2xBlues) opted out of the top 8 bracket, he got to play at the quarterfinals.

OK, so I am going to put it down for now as:

Burlingame, CA, United States
May 24
Attendance: ~40
Final Cut: Top 8
  • Winner: Howlrunner + Hull Upgrade; Backstabber; Black Sq. Pilot + Draw Their Fire; 4x Academy Pilot
  • 2nd place: Krassis + Heavy Laser Cannon + Rebel Captive; Carnor Jax + Push the Limit; Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit
  • Top 4: Howlrunner; Mauler Mithel + Veteran Instincts; Backstabber; 4x Academy Pilot
  • Top 4: 3x Royal Guard Pilot + Push the Limit + Hull Upgrade; Dark Curse
  • Top 8: Howlrunner + Swarm Tactics; 5x Scimitar Sq. Pilot
  • Top 8 ( originally #9 or #11): Chewbacca; Wedge; Biggs (96 points, need upgrade info)
  • Top 8 (originally #10): Soontir Fel + Push the Limit; Howlrunner + Stealth Device + Squad Leader; Scimitar Sq. Pilot + Concussion Missile + Seismic Charge; 2x Academy Pilot
  • Top 8 (originally #11):
  • #8 (originally #6, opted not to play Final Cut): Chewbacca + Expert Handling + Gunner; 2x Blue Sq. Pilot + Advanced Sensors
  • #8 (originally #7, opted not to play Final Cut): Wedge; Wes; 2x Rookie Pilot
  • #8 (originally #8, opted not to play Final Cut): Wedge + Swarm Tactics; Biggs; 2x Blue Sq. Pilot
  • #12:
  • #13:

Updates are bolded . The Soontir Fel List works out to 99 points so that looks legit to me. I am scoring the #6, 7, and 8 lists as if they were in the Top 8 for ranking purposes, since they originally qualified for Top 8. The 3 squads that moved into the Top 8 are also weighted as Top 8, lucky them. :)

I wonder how drastically this might change if Wave 4 is allowed in the remaining Regionals. The thought of a rebel swarm with assault missiles might drop the rate of tie swarm appearances.

Ooh, that would be cool to see. I'd like to see graphs of ship usage over time.

Agreed! We can get data points for:

2014 Store Championships

2014 Regionals (wave 1-3)

2014 Regionals (wave 4)

National Championships

Edited by MajorJuggler

Results checklist ordered by week

Fully completed results for Final Cut or Top Third have strike through .
Details of partially completed results are in (parenthesis).

Week 1 (7 out of 9 fully reported)

May 4, 2014. L'Isle Jourdain, France. les Forges de Lumière. (missing #6, #7, #8 in Top 8)

May 4, 2014: Iserlohn, Western Germany. Fantasy Warehouse (missing #6, #7, #9, #12)
Week 2 (3 out of 4 fully reported)
May 10, 2014. Aldershot, United Kingdom. TGS (Top 4 reported, Final Cut was to Top 8)
Week 3 (7 out of 7 fully reported)
Week 4 (1 of 4 fully reported)
May 24: Burlingame, CA, USA. Kublacon (partial report)
May 25: Strasbourg, France. Philibert (need clarification on #8, Interceptor build)
May 25: Conder, ACT, Australia. Good Games Canberra (partial report)
Week 5 (1 of 1 fully reported)
Week 6 (0 of 4 3 fully reported)
June 7: Santiago, Chile. Warpig Games
June 7: København, Denmark. Faraos Cigarer

June 7: Malmö, Sweden. Playoteket (rescheduled for July 26)

June 8: Toulon, France. Association Les yeux dans les Jeux

Has anyone heard anything about any of the four Regionals from this last weekend? They are all international. I did see on Santiago Warpig's Facebook event page that they were trying to get results (I haven't checked back today), so hopefully they will follow through.

If anyone happens to have any info to fill in the gaps in the previous weeks' events that would be good too, but I am afraid the results from earlier in the season are probably getting "stale" and are very difficult to track down at this point.

Edit: Updates, just did some googling...

The Sweeden Regionals has been rescheduled for July 26:


The Toulon French event happened:


Edited by MajorJuggler