In my mind, it works best if both decks have Lore because that's where most of the best silvan cards are (Silvan Tracker, Mirkwood Runner, Tree People, Henamarth, Galadhrim Minstel, etc).
Celeborn/Glorfindel/Loragorn or Elrond
- and -
Silvan seems to work well with tri-sphere, moreso than any other deck I've tried, so why not make both deck tri-sphere? Also, Haldir and Legolas belong together so you can get the max boost from Rumil. Another good combo might be to just swap some of your heroes around to be
Celeborn/Galadriel/Glorfindel (25 threat)
- and -
Legolas/Haldir/Mirlonde (24 threat)
This wouldn't have both decks with Lore, but at least Legolas and Haldir are together and they both have great starting threat levels. I do agree, though, that Tactics and Spirit need to get their allies from this cycle to make them work better.
I'm looking ahead at Island Amid Perils and am having a hard time choosing it over Elrond's Counsel. Sure it helps pop the elves in and out, but you tend to only wanna pop the 1- and 2-cost allies out, so it seems very ineffective.