A Few Questions from a new Game Master...

By Shenron, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I would like to run a DH game and reading through the book a lot of the book I noticed that a lot of it is similiar to Warhammer Fantasy RPG. I did come across a few questions though...

1. The hit points seems to be way to low for the damage some of the weapons do. Is it just me or did I miss a defesnse roll or something like that?

2. Can someone explain step by step how you go up the progessrion tree and how many % points you get to add? To your skills, etc?

That is all for now, thanks in advance.


You have very few wound, average 1d5+8, everytime you buy Sound Constitution you gain 1 single wound.
This means if you charge a group of armed thugs, you can die, quickly.

The average percentile starts at 2d10+20 and you can improve this of course.
You can increase any percentile up to 4 times, each time you increase it you gain 5%.

So if you have an advance scheme of:
You have to buy your 1st +5% for 100xp, the 2nd for 250xp and so on.
This does not mean you have to pay the differance, you pay the cost again.



1: some would argue that they are too high actually... or that weapon damage is a bit too low. As one poster put it in another thread, a stripper fully disrobed stands a good chance of surviving a direct hit from a plasma gun which is effectively shooting the stuff stars are made of. Either way, as Santiago mentioned, combat in DH is meant to be fairly deadly and something not to be entered into lightly.

2: You can add % points to your stats at any time, but you must spend xp to do so. They do not increase naturally, you have to actually purchase an advance in the stat. At the top of each career you will see a chart detailing the cost of advancing the characters stats. Each advance adds 5 points to the characteristic and any one characteristic can only be advanced 4 times. The cost of the first advance is listed as "simple" and costs what is listed for a simple advance for that characteristic. Once the simple advance is purchased, to get another 5 points added to that characteristic, the intermediate advance must be purchased, etc. This also means that the characters characteristics cap out at +20 from what ever they rolled to start with.

Skills are purchased from the table describing the characters current rank in a career or from a table for a rank that he has previously held (a rank 8 character can still purchase skills and talents from the rank 1 table). It is important to note that they can only purchase skills and talents from a previous rank table if they actually held that rank. This comes into play in situations where the advancement tree branches. A Cleric who takes the left hand path (hehe) and eventually works his way up to the Bishop rank can purchase talents and skills from the Confessor rank but not from the Exorcist rank. All advancements to skills are available for purchase at various ranks. Where you see skills for purchase like "Literacy +10" are instances where you can purchase an advance for a skill you already possess (in this case Literacy).

You advance up the progression tree by spending xp. Each rank has an xp range which shows how much xp a character needs to spend in order to make it to that rank. Rank 1 is 0-499 xp. If a character has spent less the 500 xp, he is rank 1 but as soon as his total spent xp reaches 500 he automatically becomes rank 2 and may purchase skills and talents from rank 1 and rank 2 now.

Lets just say you need to convince your players that the beauty of the game is the utter futility of it. You will die horribly, and/or you will go insane, and/or you will mutate and all the other players will turn on you because the Emperor has deemed you unworthy to live and you must be purified through fire and bolt and plasma for the good of the Imperium and mankind! Embrace the Futility of life, DIE FOR YOUR EMPEROR!

Remember that the damage taken must exceed the Armor and Toughness of the character before they take damage.


Guardsman Bob with Armor 3 Body and a Toughness bonus 3 gets shot in the chest with a stub pistol. The attacker rolls a grand total of 7 for damage. The armor soaks 3 points, Toughness soaks 3 points and Bob is injured and takes the 1 point of wound damage.

You can also try to dodge or parry once a round to avoid an attack.

A BS in the 30's will hit more often than not. Take into account the situational and equipment modifiers for all skill rolls. If multiple NPC's enemies in an encounter get skills above 30 they will be challenging, especially for low level acolytes.

1. The hit points seems to be way to low for the damage some of the weapons do. Is it just me or did I miss a defesnse roll or something like that?

Firstly, you have one Parry or Dodge per round, which usually (after you get the dodge skill) works out to somewhere between 30%-50% chance of evasion. Secondly, damage needs to go through armour and toughness before reducing your wounds. If we assume a guardsman flak armour and a TB of 4 (at least for combat characters, that's easily reachable in a few sessions), you can already reduce most damage by 8 points. When your enemies start running around with bolters and plasma weapons, it's time to be a little more careful anyway...