I just got the Daisy Walker set-up I've dreamed of, and it was sublime.
She began with Ruby of R'yleh (add three movement points), and Bob Jenkins started with the Necromonicon (exhaust and spend two sanity and two movement points to make a Lore (-2) check. Success, draw a spell). First turn, Daisy joined Bob at the General Store to take the Necromonicon and shop. I'm not making this up...she picked the Magnifying Glass (+2 lore checks to tomes)!
Daisy jacks her lore skill to 5 and draws a spell EVERY TURN except when she makes her way through the Other World. At the end of the game she has 15 spells, three of which are Shriveling. She would have had 16, but she used and discarded Bind Monster.
When reading the Necromonicon, she loses no movement or sanity and erases its -2 lore modifier because of the Magnifying Glass. No holing up in the Asylum reading the Necromonicon for Daisy. As she adds spells, she is moving around the board like normal, having encounters and being generally helpful. In fact, she steamrolls anything in her way (did I mention she started with one +1 Will Skill and used Forced Learning and drew the other +1 Will?), easily passing Horror Checks and rolling up 14 dice one one occasion, against a Crawling one, for whom she had the misfortune of rolling a 5 for his combat modifier. No problem. Dead meat.
She also had Arcane Insight and passed it twice at the end of the game, pushing back a gate burst on the Witch House so Rex Murphy could seal the final gate, which was at the Science Building.
Daisy, I owe you. I will be playing Arkham Horror for a long time to come trying to relive this one!