Updated w/more stuff

By lovefist, in UFS Trading


Blood Runs True x7*******************
Revenant's Calling x2
Shooting Capoera x3
Lynette's Shop x4
Red Lotus of the Sun


Shredding Vibrato

Menuett Dance

Howling Spirits

Give me a shout at [email protected] if you want to work something out. Cheers.

I actually traded for Tira and a few of the others today =D

Feline Spike x2
Revenant's Calling
Clean Freak x2
White Magic x4
Natural Leader x4
Cammy's Flying Frankensteiner

Knight Breaker
Hunger for Souls
Soul Calibur
Soul Edge
No Forgiveness!
Midnight Launcher x2
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds
Assassination Arts

Mega -


Feline Spike x2
Revenant's Calling


Knight Breaker
Hunger for Souls
Soul Calibur
Soul Edge
No Forgiveness!
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds

Anti - do you happen to have any makai high nobles for trade?

Duckman - I will email you

Hey man would you check my list for your....gasp I'm sure everyone wants this as well, Knight Breaker.

My thread is in my signature.

Thanks or email me @ [email protected]


Haha, the Midnight Launchers are kinda important, since I only have two. That's why I'm wiling to ante up my second Spike =P

If you want, we can take this to email, since we're pretty much definitely going to trade (at least on my end, lol).

lovefist said:

'Goth - do you happen to have any makai high nobles for trade?

I've got 4 that I can afford to trade.

Need your midnight launcher , knight breaker, menuett dance , shredding vibrato and spinning beat.

Anti - Would you do this?


Siegfried's Earth Divide
Mesmerizing Dance


Crazy Buffalo
Makai High Noble x3

Mega - I will check your list and make a counter offer. I am indeed interested in trading. I also hear your from the tx playgroup. True?

Teric - as of right now the knight breaker is in a possible trade. was there anything else you needed?

Scuba - make me an offer for the menuett dance, and spinning beat. The others are tied up in a possible trade atm.

lovefist said:

Anti - Would you do this?


Siegfried's Earth Divide
Mesmerizing Dance


Crazy Buffalo
Makai High Noble x3

Because you keep calling me Anti, I'll have to insist on a Launcher instead of the Mesmerizing dance. (That, and the MHN's are very sought after)

Otherwise, I think we have a deal.

anti is easier :P . Anyway. I'm not willing to trade a ML(in very high demand) for only 3 uncommons no matter how sought after they are. You'd have to add more to the deal.

lovefist said:

anti is easier :P . Anyway. I'm not willing to trade a ML(in very high demand) for only 3 uncommons no matter how sought after they are. You'd have to add more to the deal.

Crazy Buffalo for Siggy's Earth Divide and we call it a day?

P.S. - Goth is just as many letters, and doesn't require you having to move your fingers as far to type it.

Antigoth(better?lol) yeah that'll work. Email me the details

Counter away as you please.

And yus, I'm from one of the Texas groups, specifically, the one in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Why do you ask?

Are you also in Texas? =D

2x Chesters Backing for 2x Midnight Launcher

I've sent you an email.

MegaGeese - I emailed you

Wurm - Z - no thanks

Dude, are you still looking to trade for my two Midnight Launchers or what? I've sent you two emails with no response from you. I'm still after your Menuett Dance and some other items.

I'm interested in your Knight Breaker. I have Lynette's Shops and Revenant's Callings as well as quite a few other goodies that weren't directly on your want list. Let me know if we can work something out.

2x Revenants Calling
2x Chesters backing
2x Giradots Leadership


1x Knight Breaker
1x Spinning Beat

I have:

Menuett Dance x1, Revenant's Calling x2, Red Lotus of the Sun x1

Interested in:

Defender x1, White Gi x1, US Air Base x2.

LMK if we can work something out. Defender is the main need in this case.

How about we trade:

my 2x Chester's Backing


your 1x Knight Breaker


I want your 2 artificial souls and your howling spirits, and I have 2 giradot's leaderships 1 aquakinesis, 1 red lotus, and 3 clean freaks.

my email is [email protected] if you want to try to work somthing out.

Yoko - Email me and we'll see if we can work something out

rockstar - no thanks.

wurm-z - no thanks

wilding - make me an offer and we'll work from there. i'll check your list as well. I am about to update my wants list.

Icarus - no thanks

cascade - emailed back


Wondering if you do 4x Mega Spikes and 1x Giradot's Leadership for your Soul Calibur, Atoning for his Wicked Deeds, and No Forgivness! Feel free to email me at [email protected]


DoubleD - I've got the following from your wants list.

Atoning for His Wicked Deeds
No Forgiveness!
Glanzende Nova and Frisher Himmel
Tower of Remembrance-Degradation
Soul Edge
Challenge to Battle
Tower of Souls
Curse of the Ancient Mariner
Sailor’s Rest
Howling Spirits

I need these off of you

2xLord of the Makai
3xTira’s Contract
1xPsycho Cannon
1xDarkness Blade

LMK if we can work something out this way