Is there a maximum of player involve in a Match up?

By helak, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Hi everybody,

can someone help me find if there is a maximum of card we can play in one match up?

I did read the rule book, but I can find the rule for this question!

Thank you!

Edited by spy

so there are no restrictions that ive found in the game that sais you cant have all of your cards in one matchup. now that being said beware of this, for if you put all your eggs in one basket so to speak the person with the last player card can easily go unopposed at any match up left to play of his or her choosing. if unopposed they get all of the payouts written on the card so it would be wise to keep that from happening as much as possible. and also note that when the spike magazine card "weather disrupts Match!" is in play; for this round you may only play three players at each match up. so that's the only restrictions that ive seen in the game as far as how many players you can put in one matchup. ok I hope this helps.

Thank you very much for the answer, I appreciate the answer! That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to be sure!


Edited by Koma76


Edited by Koma76