New Dark Heresy Designer Diary: Errata 3.0!

By FFG Ross Watson, in Dark Heresy

Schwarzie said:

Then the absence of an Errata for Disciples of the Dark Gods and creatures Anathema. Both are in dire need for one. The statblocks for many many monsters in the CA are simply wrong. Sometimes they countet talents, sometimes they didn´t ARGH So i have to redo the calculations for every creature.

I've not noticed this, and am intrigued to know which ones caused problems? The only discrepancy I've noticed so far is that Genestealer's Claws are Pen 7, I'm not sure why this is. (Dam 1d10 + 7 is easy enough, 5 for SB and 2 for Crushing Blow, but why Penetration?) It's doubly awkward because I'm using these Genestealer stats as the basis for a whole Genestealer Cult, with hybrids, and without knowing whether Pen 7 is correct, I don't know whether, say, second-generation hybrids should have penetration equal to damage bonus, or not. Or am I missing something?

Still, if you can mention which others you think are wrong I'd be very interested.

Bitterman said:

"Only Weapons with the Primitive Trait can be Monoed. PowerSwords without Powerfield are a primitive Sword, nothing more, so can be Monoed, but once the PowerField is activated again the monoing doen´t matter since the Powerfield is in action and does the actuall damage."

Fair enough. Explain why the same doesn't apply to Shock weapons. (Chain weapons seem controversial for some reason so we'll ignore those).

Personally, I would say emphatically YES to the ability to " mono " a shock weapon. The shock field doesn't do damage, so much as stuns/fatigues the target. Er go, the weapon itself should be able to be enhnaced in performance. Seeings as the shock effect requires actual damage to be done before it kicks in, a mono upgrade seems reasonable. I also rule shock weapons as being less likely to be destroyed/damaged by a power weapon; 25% as opposed to 75%. My variation on a rule within the old Inquisitor game, which stated shock weapons were immune to destruction by a power weapon .

For what it's worth...

-=Brother Praetus=-

I'm hoping once this Errata is nailed down we can get a fully updated 3rd Edition Printing with all this stuff incorporated into it. I'm not a fan of playing off of a book and a collection of errata. I also don't want to mark up a book I paid $60.00 for in order to point out that it's time to look at the errata.

I know that it's probably a long way off, but please tell me it's coming at some point down the road.

LeBlanc13 said:

I'm hoping once this Errata is nailed down we can get a fully updated 3rd Edition Printing with all this stuff incorporated into it. I'm not a fan of playing off of a book and a collection of errata. I also don't want to mark up a book I paid $60.00 for in order to point out that it's time to look at the errata.

I know that it's probably a long way off, but please tell me it's coming at some point down the road.

Ya, it is a loooOOOOoooong way off yet. We actualy have to have a 2nd ed first, but keep up the hope and in 5-10 years you just might have you 3rd ed! ;-)

Look at the useful sides, likes at character creation, everybody can have an erata to see the starting skills and tanelts package, and then everybody have all the changes and is likely to find those few thats relevant to them.

Well the so called "3rd Edition/Printing of the rules" will most likely be called Rogue Trader, and hopefully they fix the god aweful character generation/advancement system and clear up some of the rules and the game is then still 100% compatible with DH material.

Im still not fond of having to wait forever to build a character as competent as the low-hiver likes of Kal Jerico and Scabbs. And I never liked the idea of the answer to my problems being "ELITE ADVANCES" or "START WITH MORE XP". Heck, even in the Star Wars RPG you could start play with a low skilled version of Han Solo and in the various Star Trek RPGs they let you play Captain Kirk.

Granted your Star Wars D6 low version of Han Solo was no where as good as Han Solo, but he could pilot a ship, shoot a lasgun, gamble, charm, dodge, swindle, street wise, sneak and so forth.

Too many starting DH characters are one trick ponies.

Which is why I am hoping to be able to use RT with DH to make DH 2E.

I'm still reading it and haven't played, but it seems as if the game's not as well-liked as I'd originally thought. Am I correct? As far as starting characters being one-trick ponies, I (and this is pure conjecture) would think this is because to start with, people are in fact, pigeon-holed into a certain "role". They need to break out of this. I imagine this is what gaining levels is all about. Of course, I'll have to play in order to actually see.


Honestly you're going to see the greatest number of responses on the forums from people who have some problem with the game. Most of us, even if we don't like something still generally like and enjoy the game. There are things we would have done differently if we had been the game designers is all. Given the long run 40K had prior to any development of the RPG, it stands to reason there will be those who do not like something in the way the game was ultimately developed and released. It is impossible to please everyone.

-=Brother Praetus=-

Well, this is the official "***** about the things you don't like" thread, so reading this might give you the impression we don't like the game.

That would be wrong!

We LOVE it :) I think about it all the time. I think about it when I should be working (like now), when I play with my kids, when I eat dinner, when I go to bed... I find myself wanting to translate to warp when stuck in traffic jams, and whenever I see a political discussion on TV I find myselft thinking the issue would be easily solved by switching to a feudal system and introducing massive bureaucracy, or by sending in the Inquisition. I think of people who disagree with me on anything as Heretics, and I always want more Dakka Dakka.

It's an obsession. But I do not suffer from it, I enjoy every minute of it

Thank you. I'm really falling into the 40K setting and love what I've seen in DH. I used to be a HUGE Exalted fan, but White Wolf dropped the ball in so many ways and so often, I stopped playing and buying Exalted. That's why I'm so inquisitive (no pun intended!)!

I'd not be posting here at all if I didn't like the game. I'd play something else!

Just wish a few of the looser ends in the rules got tidied up, that's all... sure you can always have a GM ruling but it's better for all concerned if the GM's ruling is backed up by the actual rules...

At least they care, right?

Whoops! I meant to say 3rd Printing of the main rulebook. A 2nd or 3rd edition is not welcome in my book. Just fix the current edition once all of the errata has been found.

P.S. - I LOVE this game!!! I just would like to see the errata incorporated into the next printing.