With the advent of DUST Tactics and Battlefield to V2.0 it raises the question of what will Warfare do.
I know you are a seperate game, but are there any changes coming to take advantage of new cards to reflect advancement in the game.
With the advent of DUST Tactics and Battlefield to V2.0 it raises the question of what will Warfare do.
I know you are a seperate game, but are there any changes coming to take advantage of new cards to reflect advancement in the game.
From what I understand Battlefront will support Dust Warfare.
just head over to dusttactics.com
Nice kickstarter!
Ye, but I don't get it, the KS is for minis only? So I still have to buy the rulebook from FFG?
The quick version of what is going on with Dust. Battlefront took over Dust created new Tactics rules and are coming out with Dust Battlefield which will be their version of Warfare( grid less Tactics). BF can only replace the miniatures once FFG has sold out of any particular one. All the new stuff BF is putting out will include stat cards for Tactics and a separate card for Warfare. So they are still supporting Warfare even though it is really owned by FFG. As for any future rules updates for Warfare remains unclear. That is the story as I know it.