Question about marching into support areas

By Averagejoe101, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

So ive been playing a few games with mates. We have been getting the hang of things and nutting it out, however we came onto a bit of a tricky one.

I had a support area with one foot solider. I had a move order behind the support with two knights.

I wanted to move the two knights into the support area with the foot solider and then have 5 points of support to use for a battle in an area adjacent to the support area. I could do this as i had a spare 3 army supply left.

My friend said i could not march then use the marching units to support, only the original unit in the area could support. My argument was marching is first THEN support, so i could.

I looked everywhere in the rules and online but cannot find anything?

Rulebook Page 15, Advanced Strategy Tip talks about "Staggering Orders". It only mentions March Orders, but it can be applied with Defense or Support Orders (Supporting Combat Strength means the combined Combat
Strength of all units in the supporting area
). as well.

Yes, you may Defend or Support with Units that have been Marched earlier in the turn.

Thanks for your fast response. This will make things interesting next time we play :)

Yep, you're good to go with the March -> Support combo. It's just routed units that offer nothing by means of defense/support.

So ive been playing a few games with mates. We have been getting the hang of things and nutting it out, however we came onto a bit of a tricky one.

I had a support area with one foot solider. I had a move order behind the support with two knights.

I wanted to move the two knights into the support area with the foot solider and then have 5 points of support to use for a battle in an area adjacent to the support area. I could do this as i had a spare 3 army supply left.

My friend said i could not march then use the marching units to support, only the original unit in the area could support. My argument was marching is first THEN support, so i could.

I looked everywhere in the rules and online but cannot find anything?

This is perfectly legal. Your friend is wrong, and you are right.