YASQ (Yet Another Spell Question)

By ObsessiveGamer, in Elder Sign

I feel like it deserves an acronym at this point...

I looked for an answer on this, but I don't see one. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but there's also a lot out there...

I have two dice in my dice pool. The other four, plus a red, have all been used to complete tasks on the adventure I'm on. I have one task left to complete: a 6 investigation.

Still technically possible to beat, but unlikely.

I roll a Peril and a Terror.

So I obviously fail the adventure, as discarding would leave me with one die, which could never give me enough investigations to complete the final task.

I have the Dread Curse of Azathoth double-securing spell. Can I secure both the Peril and the Terror on this card for later use, or do I have to discard for my failed roll before using a spell?

You can secure the results on the spell unless the terror triggers a terror effect forcing you to discard the terror dice or to immediately fail the adventure

Awesome, thanks! Do you think something like this might merit a clarification in that FAQ? I think it is relevant to the question about the order of events - so it seems that spell-casting comes before die-discarding, but after terror effects, for failed rolls. This isn't clear in the rules, I don't think.

Yes, I'll ask this one as well. I just re-checked the rules and the FAQ, and the moment a spell is cast is not completely clear.

So, please consider my answer as the way I play it, but not as the official ruling because, for now, the wording is vague.


Sorry for being late to the party...I agree wholeheartedly with Julia's reading of the rules, as the timing on Spells is not mentioned anywhere in the rules, FAQ, or in conversations with the designer.



Joe / Julia,

Thanks, I agree too. Hopefully we can get some official clarification in the new FAQ. I'd love more detailed, step-by-step examples of turns and what might happen as you roll and discard in obscure cases such as the one I'd presented. (Well, maybe not so obscure, just examples that the rules aren't already clear on.)