team upgrade Black fangs(force of will)

By LinkavichChumofsky, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Hello, my friends and I are at a bit of a dilemma lol. I asked this question for an official answer and have not got a response back yet and since weve been waiting for a day n a half lol we have decided to ask the masses and accept the result for this round. (don't worry we played games in the midst of waiting for this result lol) so I have two vampires at this match up at the score board phase. one has one blood token the other has two. so the upgrade (force of will) sais" score board phase: "increase the star power provided by all of your blood tokens by 1" now at first glance I was like oh kool it doubles them. however my opponent brought it to my attention it sais add one to the star power provided by all so I just get plus one to the total in this match up. so it gives me a total of 3+1 + 3+2 +1 = 10 and then we thought about it and I said hey, it could also mean add one to the total given to each individual player giving a + 2 bonus so it would look like this vamp{1};3 +2 +1 + vamp{2} 3+1+1 = 11 since my opponent has ten and the ball if its plus one over all at the match up he wins if its anything else I win lol.

so what your thoughts and how do you play? 1 Where its at each match up add one to the over all giving the total of + 1sp at this match up, 2 giving plus one over all on each individual player giving an over all +2 sp, or 3 doubling the sp of all the blood tokens in play giving me the total of + 3 (one per blood token in play) giving me the total of 12sp.

reasons for my opponents doubtfulness of doubling is because he claims that it would be over powering the black fangs team and would totally break the balance of the game.

thanks for reading this, cant wait to hear your responses to finally put this match up to an end lol

Each blood tokens costs 2 star power obviously. The wording is as clear as day.

Wouldn't break anything, there is a few vampires in your deck and odds are low you'll get this upgrade. And you still need to injure somebody to get those blood tokens. And they double their value only during scoreboard phase. Too many "ifs".

Thank you so much:) I know it seems dumb lol but when someone in the group decides to be that guy/girl(in this case guy) to just interpret everything a little differently cause the card does not specifically come out and say "multiply all blood tokens by two"lol. But yes your two cents are greatly appreciated :) our group has been playing BBtm ever since I first bought it and this is the only time in the whole game lol let alone the expansion pack, that we all didn't agree on the meaning of one of the team upgrade cards. however this is my first time getting this particular upgrade and actually being able to use it. and since I did so well in the first game(I won all five rounds) it started to look like the black fangs were invincible lol. but after reading how much of a hard time others had with this team on this site, im beginning to think maybe I just got lucky. (like when I won with the dwarves) sheer luck and reliance on great upgrades and better star players lol. as well as some strategic placement of players in the highlights.

but I didn't notice how hard the black fangs were to play since after my first round I got two star players(no freebooters) and a team up grade "dark kiss) allowing morg n thorg with the tackle ability to get a blood token for using it at the right time :) which helped me easily win the second round at the next two highlights I was in, oh and those enchanted balls with the tackle ability really helped me sink my fangs into my opponents when I got the passing coach:) and the dwarves, since they are soo good at standing their ground, the best upgrade ive received in this expansion is the staff upgrade "home grown talent" so there is hope for those of you who like the dwarves or as I did randomly picked them from a hat amongst all of the other teams. but yeah I was worried about the vampire team(black fangs) when I seen how slow they are lol its kinda weird seeing a bunch of vampires that cant move too fast lol but when I seen that there were four of them in the starting deck, and four linemen with two blockers, I realized for obvious reasons they shouldn't have the sprint ability lol. now I did think that it would make since to have it as a downed ability for the vampires though, seeing how when hurt they could fly or try to get away quickly n stuff. but its kool the fact that they have regen skill and possible blood tokens is good enough :) that n when playing with the enchanted ball with a tackle on it lol they get two tackles from just grabbing the ball so keep that in mind when playing against the team your selves. just sayin don't underestimate them.

ok well I hope this helps anyone who was wondering about the strategy behind the black fangs team, cause when played right while well equipped with upgrades, they are a better team than most think(or in my experiences anyway)

and a thanks again (MyNeighbourTrololo) you have indeed set another win for me as the black fang team and set a precedent that will be initially set as the rule in our games when using that team upgrade from here on out. I truly thank you :) I cant believe we actually had this game on hold for a few days now lol first we called the company, they reffered us to this site, then I sent a msg, and now we can finally put this to an end as soon as game night starts tomorrow evening lol longest lag time ever in a real world card game that I know of without internet connections and stuff.

Edited by LinkavichChumofsky

hey, everyone who might also be at this debate in their own game of the new expansion pack sudden death, I have just got the official ruling and yes, it does double them :) yay. my group said that I was not allowed to play as my new favorite team "the black fangs" again until I got the official ruling on the card and now that I did, im playing them all the time now lol unless someone else wants to try em out, ill gladly share the new and awesome bloodsucking team :)

but yes, a few members of the game night group was saying since it reads add one star power to all and not each blood token, blah blah blah lol but now that I got the official ruling, I just might print it out put it in a frame and set it on the table for next game night as I play with the Black fangs once again lol

And thank you again MyNeighbourTrololo for temporarily solving the issue allowing me to get the win at that particular game.

And a SPEACIAL THANKS to: Jason Walden, for permanently solving this problem for me and allowing me to Once again play as my newest favorite team Thank you :) your response is greatly appreciated