Line of Sight

By Ezhaeu, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know a good site with diagrams or even a small application to check the validity of a Line Of Sight? Most of the rules of Descent are clear enough, but we often argue about whether a monster can be spawned here or there, if the Hero can shoot this monster or not, and so on.


Thanks, Corbon. The "Erase" function doesn't seem to work but it should do the trick whenever we have a critical situation involving LOS. Would have also been nice to have some preloaded Quest's map with a click, but I'm dreaming too much. ;)

Interesting tool. Thanks for the link!

I just googled "Descent line of sight". Never seen that sight before...

LOS is an easy geometric thing in Descent, but if you don't get it it isn't easy to explain without diagrams and I figured the simplest thing was to give you what you asked for, a tool.

Nice app, but it isnt 100% correct. A monster that itself is not in LOS cannot block LOS to another monster.

Paul Grogan said:

Nice app, but it isnt 100% correct. A monster that itself is not in LOS cannot block LOS to another monster.

To be fair, that wasn't in the original rules, and also isn't in the FAQ or any other official document as far as I know. So it's not exactly unreasonable if the author of that app has never heard of it, and it might not even have existed at the time the app was made.

It's also kind of an ugly rule. It's inconsistent with other game conventions and at risk of becoming ambiguous or unresolvable in future expansions, it means that the Precision skill sometimes prevents you from having LoS to a target when you otherwise could, and it doesn't even solve all permutations of the perverse special case it was introduced to solve. It's a hack created by a designer who was cornered with a special case that he didn't know how to fix.

And it's seriously rare that you even care one way or the other.

If you have the expansion that has the Bolts template, I've found that to make a fantastic ruler for LOS :-)

Its about the most use it sees.

I use the Bolt Template as well.

That's 3 votes for the bolt template. It comes with Well of Darkness.