Played Hunt for Gollum nightmare the other day and I called on this bad boy to help us out. I decided to remove a Hunter from Mordor, who had a clue card attached (there were 3 clue cards in play at this point so the hunters were really annoying). During staging, another Hunter from Mordor gets revealed and we got to discussing wether or not the clue card attached to the first Hunter from Mordor is also considered to be out-of-play?
We both leaned towards that when you remove a card from play (or consider it to be out-of-play) then the same goes for any attachments on those cards. Much like when a card leaves play from natural causes (gets explored or killed) it also affects all the attachments on that card. So that is how we played it.
The wording though: the chosen enemy or location is considered to be out of play, kinda bothers me. It seems to suggest that it might only be the chosen card and not it´s attachments.
So even though we did get to the consensus that attachments are also out-of-play it still has been nagging at the back of my mind.
Anyone have some thoughts on this.