So, on the Search For Mugash card it reads:
Time 2: Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, shuffle the discard pile into the encounter deck and reveal 2 cards per player. Place 2 time counters on this stage.
So, Am I correct to say that the 2 cards/player you reveal are not added to the staging area? Only their "when revealed" effects are triggered. It does not say that they are added to the staging area, in contrast to say: Ambush on the Shore 3b: which reads: "Reveal 2 encounter cards per player and add them to the staging area."
I figured since these cards are not revealed during the staging step of the quest phase, they are therefore not added to the staging area.
What about Orc Hunter? Again it says "Reveal an additional encounter card" but it does not say anything about it being added to the staging area. Assuming you choose this option, would the revealed card be added to the staging area? Orc Hunter might be revealed during the staging step of the quest phase, or he might not (say, if he were a result of the 2 cards/player revealed after Timed2 on search for Mugash runs out).
Is the revealed card being added to the staging area therefore dependent on what effect revealed Orc Hunter in the first place?
I find a lot of this quest to be very poorly worded and confusing, I am a new player.